Wednesday, December 4, 2013


“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel...” —1st Timothy 2:9

       Women are to dress in “modest apparel.” That is what the Bible commands. It is not a matter of opinion. God has revealed His will concerning the manner in which women ought to dress. Rebellious women don't care, they're going to be lewd, rude and crude anyway; but a woman that fears God does care, and she is careful about the way she clothes herself.

The Greek word for “modest” in 1st Timothy 2:9 is “Kosmios” which means “of good behavior.” Hence, the attire which a woman wears sends a message as to the type of moral character which she possess. Women who wear pants either do not recognize, or do not care, about the spiritual dangers of lasciviousness. The clothes that women wear send a message.

Proof of this is found in Proverb 7:10... “attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.” The Bible speaks about the attire of a harlot. One cannot deny that sexually suggestive clothing is the attire of a harlot. Any type of clothing that exposes a woman's thighs, breast cleavage or is tight is immodest and sinful. Get right with God.

Any Godless women knows that men are sexually aroused by SIGHT. This is the great danger of women wearing pants. Lest you think this a trifle matter, Jesus condemned the lusts of the heart as being equivalent to ADULTERY in Matthew 5:28, “ Maybe you don't care, but God does. Immodestly dressed women cause men to lust. Sadly, many women enjoy such sensual attraction, making them feel good about themselves; but that is a very shallow and selfish attitude to have, and sinful I might add. John 12:43 tells us to seek the praise of God, not men.

There are godly men who are trying to maintain clean minds, and you're helping to hurt them spiritually. God will hold every woman accountable for EVERY lust she intentionally caused in men by her immodest apparel.  

The Sin of Women Dressing Immodestly

 The Bible plainly evidences in the account of king David committing adultery with Bath-sheba the dangers of women displaying their naked bodies in public. David went out on his roof and saw Bathsheba bathing naked and the rest is history . . .

Bath-sheba was either careless or deliberately seduced king David. The man after God's own heart chose to commit adultery because of a naked woman. This plainly evidences WHY women ought to wear proper attire in public. Godless women don't care; Christian women do care.

It is sinful for whores like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry to lie on the ground in sensual poses, rolling around in lingerie on TV, jumping around in their panties on YouTube, behaving like demon-possessed heathens, and leading the world's young girls to follow their evil example. No wonder the abortion rate is so high, adultery and fornication are epidemic in America, and moral looseness has become the norm. Lesbianism is everywhere, a consequence of unrestrained lusts (Romans 1:24-27). God's curse is upon our nation.

Nothing has changed in 3,000 years since David and Bath-Sheba. Sexual sins are commonplace in the world today, because of all the whorishly unclothed women. The world live in a sexually degenerate, perverted, and sensual society... a SEX-SICKO SOCIETY! Such women are evil in their hearts, who value the lustful attention of men rather than the praise of God for being a virtuous woman. There are no women any uglier spiritually than whores like Madonna, Anna Nicole Smith, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry (Hudson),Sandra Bullock, and hundreds more who strip naked for the world to lust upon.

any Women Sinfully Sport in Causing Lasciviousness

It is evil for any woman to deliberately cause lasciviousness by her immodest attire. Some women are very cruel and want to hurt others. This evil is commonplace today. Sensual smut flows out of Hollywood and Walt Disney like sewage flowing into a cesspool. It is a cesspool of iniquity!

In fact, many people today think it's perfectly normal and acceptable for women to dress whorish to arouse men, with no consideration for the sexual sins caused by their evil influence. Woman who purposely dress immodestly are guilty of idolatry. She is placing her own will above God's Word, making herself to be a god, and is causing men to worship her body instead of God. It is evil.

Many secular songs have been written to attest to this fact, such as John Mayer's “Your Body Is A Wonderland.” This one song in particular has brought Mr. Mayer worldwide fame and fortune. The song is nothing more than idolatrous worship of a woman's body—SEX! Selena Gomez and Katy Perry admit the demonic influences of Rock music upon the fans. Katy Perry doesn't even wear clothes on her latest album, TEENAGE DREAM. The Word of God commands us, as believers, not to love the lusts of this world (1st John 2:15-17). John Mayer, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry (Hudson), Madonna,Britney Spears, Cher, and all of Hollywood, Walt Disney, Las Vegas, and an untold multitude of whores and whoremongers across the world, are serving the Devil.

There is nothing more evil than a woman like Britney Spears who deliberately entices men with immoral clothing, nudity or lewd behavior.

Here are the words that Proverb 7:18 tells us the whore says...

Proverb 7:18 , “Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.”

Read what the Bible has to say about the whorish woman...

Proverb 7:25-27, “Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.”

God never changes (Malachi 3:6). The Old Testament magnifies the wrath of God; but the New Testament the love of God. God loves humanity and has made a way of escape through faith in His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. But don't mistake God's longsuffering and patience, Christ-rejecters will burn in the Lake of Fire forever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8). If you want a clear picture of God today, then you must take the Bible as a whole. 

Most Women Don't Care, So What is a Christian Man to Do?

But you ask, “Preacher, isn't it normal for a man to want to lust upon a women?” Yes, for the carnal man. I'd worry about any man who didn't have such desires. Any man who doesn't desire to look upon a beautiful woman is either sick, I'm not talking about being normal in the carnal sense; I'm talking about living by faith to please God. Jesus plainly taught that lust is adultery.  There is no room for debate. Sexual lust is a sin, unless it's your wife or husband.

It is normal to be a heathen, but God saved us so we wouldn't live like that anymore. God wants His children to be zealous of good works (Titus 2:14). I'm talking about walking in the Spirit of God.  Every saved person LIVES in the Sprit, i.e., they have the Holy Spirit of God indwelling them (Romans 8:9). But to walk in the Spirit is to yield in obedience to the teachings of God's Word as a believer, as evidenced by Galatians 5:25.

How does a person avoid sexually impure thoughts? The answer is found in multiple Scriptures...

 1. How does one abstain from fleshy lusts, since we cannot help but see filth in today's sexually degenerative.

1. When a man sees a lewd or whorish looking woman (i.e., the attire of a harlot), then he is to cast down any thought of lust... “No, I won't think that way. I want a clean heart oh God.” He is to bring every thought into captivity the Bible says, to obedience to Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Pray and ask God for His help. Jesus told His disciples in Carefully notice that Jesus didn't say to pray WHEN you are tempted; but rather, to pray that ye ENTER NOT into temptation. James 1:14 teaches that a man is only tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust. 
  Memorize Scriptures as did king David to quote when tempted. The Scriptures I am sharing with you are a good place to start. When Satan tried to tempt Jesus, the Lord quoted Scriptures each time to defeat the Devil. 
  The Jews wandering in the wilderness made a golden calf, an idol like American television today, that led them to commit sexual immorality. Twenty-three thousand Jews were killed as a consequence, as an example the Bible says of what will happen to the wicked in eternity. God hates sin. Consider the warnings that the Bible gives to us today. God is not a passive God concerning sin. Hebrews 13:4 warns that God will judge all whores and whoremongers. 
  Don't drink alcohol, which is liquid Devil.   Job purposed in his heart that he would not have a dirty-mind. Make a covenant with your eyes. Anyone can choose to maintain a clean mind and heart. The question is do you love God and want His hand of blessing upon your life? God's face is against the disobedient.

2. You can live right in modern times.And a wonderful Scripture in  God wants to live the Christian life through us. The Bible teaches that God puts the desire in our heart, both to will and to do God's will.

3. Of course, men who are sin-loving pigs want women to wear pants and miniskirts. It is sinful for women to wear pants or miniskirts. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that it's wrong for a woman to be attractive; but Word of God clearly teaches that a godly woman should desire to attract men to her character rather than her body...

4. Seldom do we see virtuous women anymore who look, talk, walk, and behave like feminine ladies. Instead, they are feminists! She-devils! Long dresses are extremely rare in the world of  today. And if you do wear a long dress, people will immediately think you are a Christian. Other women will persecute you. 2nd Timothy 3:12 teaches that those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. A women who stays home to care for her family is ridiculed these days by a rotten feminist culture of rebels, God-haters and abortionists.

The Bible warns about the many dangers of sexual sins...

Carefully notice Proverb 5:8...

“Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house.”

May all Christians today say with Joshua...

“ for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). 

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