Friday, December 20, 2013


Abortion is known to bring emotional torment in it's aftermath, yet few understand this as being demonic and spiritual bondage. Abortion, as far as the Bible is concerned, is nothing less than the murder of an innocent person which God has created, and is a source for great spiritual bondage.

What makes abortion murder?

The token that the pro-choice use, is that the fetus (unborn child) is not a person yet, but only a mass of tissue. (For that matter, many today also believe that we evolved from apes, and are nothing more than a mass of tissue ourselves!) If the fetus were simply a mass of tissue without a human spirit, then I think we could justify abortion. However, the fetus is not simply a mass of tissue, but rather a person to whom God is knitting together their physical body in the mother's womb.

, then abortion may be excusable.

, who's body is being knit together in it's mother's womb, then abortion is nothing less than murder of an innocent life. Just because somebody's body is still being knit together, does not mean that they are not yet a human being. Children are not fully developed until age 18 or so, but we would never consider them any less than a human being!

At what point does the spirit join with the body?

At what point does the baby (whether born or unborn) actually become a human being possessing a spirit? Does this happen when the child is 18 years old, and is said to be an adult? Does this happen when the child says it's first words? How do we know when this happens? We could assume it takes place at the age 18, which would make it seem ok to kill anybody under 18. That would be silly, wouldn't it? Who is to say that the baby isn't a real human until it leaves the womb? This is what the pro-choice argue, but do they have any proof of this? Can it be backed with scripture? Absolutely not! It is nothing more than an assumption, at which, they are not capable of backing with any real proof!

Luke 2:21, "And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb

2 Kings 4:17, "And the woman conceived, and bore a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life."

If you take the word 'conceive' in the above verse and look it up in it's Hebrew roots, we are given the Hebrew word harah, which interprets to: "A primitive root; to be (or become) pregnant, conceive (literally of figuratively): - been, be with child, conceive, progenitor." For a woman to conceive, it literally means that she is now WITH A CHILD. What do the pro-choice tell us? That it's not really a child, but just a mass of tissue! Sounds like those who believe we came from apes, and are still just a mass of tissue ourselves!

: The Bible is clear that God formed us in our mother's womb, and He knew us before we were even CONCEIVED!

Genesis 25:23, "And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger."

God is saying that there are two persons living in this woman's womb, and each of them will bring fourth a nation.

Isaiah 49:1, "Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called me from the womb

Here we see the Lord calling somebody from the womb... clearly, the person was there, or God would have been calling nothing from the womb. The Bible is also clear that He knew us from the womb:

Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

Also notice in the above verse how God sanctified and ordained somebody before they were even born! 

Here's another verse that helps show us how God brought David out of his mother's womb...

Psalms 22:9, "But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

Can a mass of tissue be filled with the Holy Ghost? Can a mass of tissue leap for joy? Apparently, John the Baptist was much more than tissue, as we can see in the following verses...

Luke 1:15, "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb

Luke 1:44, "For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy

What abortion clinics don't want you to know... The Silent Scream

Fetus' have feelings... as we can see in Luke 1:44, John the Baptist leaped for joy when he heard Mary's voice. During an abortion, it is true that the fetus can feel the pain and reacts to the danger. The silent scream is where a baby is being killed, and the child expresses unspeakable terror just moments before being killed. Since the Silent Scream is a subject all in itself, I am going to point you to a Web site, where they go into much more detail on the Silent Scream, and even show a video of an abortion in action where you can clearly see the Silent Scream taking place... a word of warning, this film is very graphic and not recommended for children to view! After all, abortion is not a pretty scene, and is nothing short of gruesome murder of an innocent and helpless child! Click on the link below for more information on The Silent Scream:

Abortion's aftermath is proof alone that abortion is indeed spiritual! Jesus made it clear that murder is a source of spiritual defilement:

Matthew 15:18-20, "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man

Some women may not seem to be tormented so badly by abortion's aftermath, but that is if their conscience has been sheered as by a hot branding iron:

1 Timothy 4:2, "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron."

Satan is not a dummy when it comes to deceiving the world (isn't he known for his clever deception?). There are some women who experience little or no torment after having abortions, but I believe they are simply 'spared' as to deceive the rest of us that it's okay to have abortions and not all women will be tormented afterwards. Wouldn't it make sense if Satan keeps 3% of those women who have abortions to be examples of how not all women are tormented after having an abortion, so that they could tell the rest of us how they have not been negatively affected by their abortion? Don't fall for Satan's clever deception.

The truth is, abortion is a source for enormous spiritual and mental bondage and torment. It is a means for spiritual defilement, just as cold-blooded murder is, and opens a person up to unclean spirits (demons) to enter and harass the person. Studies have shown that abortion is also linked to suicide because of such torment and bondage... many women feel it's better that they weren't even born if they have to face such torment. Nobody knows what it's like to be in bondage, until they are the ones facing it in their own lives, and the sad truth is that many women today don't realize what they are getting themselves into until it is too late, and the damage is already done.

Women who have had abortions are almost always said to experience some or many of the following symptoms:

- Bondage to shame and guilt

- Nightmares relating to the abortion

- Feeling that God would never forgive them

- Depression which can lead to suicide (Studies show that abortion is linked to suicide)

- Self-hatred for allowing themselves to do such a thing

- Sleep disorders - finding it hard to get to sleep at night

- Flashbacks and even hearing sounds of children crying

- Desire to have another baby to replace the aborted baby

- Inability to form a true loving bond with her other children

- And many many more...

The list of side affects from an abortion are long. Jesus made it clear that murder is a means for defilement, and defilement is an open door to unclean spirits to come in and play havoc in a person's life. I believe behind almost every (if not every) case of suicide, is a spirit... a demon that drives the person to take their own life to end the pain they are facing. People who have came close to suicide will often admit that there was a force that was 'driving' them to take their own life. It often tells them that they could end all of their problems by pulling the plug.

The linkage between abortions and suicide

Abortion is nothing less than murder, and opens the door to spirits that will drive a person into the ground. Depression is a common side effect that is experienced by those who have had an abortion. It is not uncommon for this depression to affect the person so badly that they are driven to suicide. Suicide is almost always, if not always caused by a demon... how does a spirit of suicide enter these women? 

In 1986, the University of Minnesota did a study and reported that a teenage girl who has had an abortion within the past 6 months, is 10 times more likely to commit suicide than a teenage girl who hasn't had an abortion! In 1987 a study revealed that 28% of women who have had an abortion attempted suicide later on. An 18 year old girl admitted that two days after her abortion, she wrote a suicide note to her parents and boyfriend, then went down stairs and found her dad's gun and put it to her head.

When running somebody through a deliverance, it is a good idea to keep an eye out for a spirit of murder or suicide. When a person defiles themselves through murder, they have opened legal grounds for related spirits to enter them. Many women who have had abortions have picked up spirits of suicide, as a result of being defiled through murder.

Who is behind the pro-choice movement?

As the Bible tells us, we do not wage war against flesh and blood, but against various ranks of evil spirits (demons):

Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Those who have had a decent amount of experience in the ministry of deliverance, usually have came across quite a few spirits that go by the name Jezebel. The Jezebel spirits are what was behind the evil queen in the Bible which went by the name Jezebel, and are alive and well in many women today.Jezebel is accurately said to be Satan's woman. I personally believe that the women's rights movement is fueled by ruling spirits of Jezebel. The goal of Jezebel is to usurp the woman's authority over the man in the household. The spirit of Jezebel is said to be known as 'extreme selfishness', and is the cause of many working mothers today, which can afford to stay at home with their children, but refuse to do so for the sole purpose of driving a better car and living in a better home. This same spirit tells America that the unborn child can be a hindrance to woman's rights, and that it is more important that the woman can choose to abort the hassle rather than preserving the child's life.

Let me ask you this, if abortion is the murdering of innocent children (which it is!), then would you put it past "Satan's woman" to be behind such a horrific mass-killing in the world today?

I didn't want to go into much detail on this (the spirit of Jezebel can be a teaching all in itself), but I did want to give you a brief understanding of the demonic force that we are up against in this battle against abortion.

Deliverance from abortion's aftermath

The good news for those who have had an abortion is that they can be forgiven, and set free from the aftermath of it. It is almost always necessary that such individuals go through a deliverance to rid themselves of any unclean spirits that they have picked up, tear down strongholds that have come on the scene, receive quality post-deliverance discipleship and maintain a healthy relationship with God so that they can receive and hold on to their freedom. It may be possible to receive a measure of freedom without a deliverance, but I would never bypass this step if I had an abortion (murder) in my background. It's possible to experience a certain amount of freedom, without dealing with the root, but in such cases they will still remain in bondage in some way or another and it just doesn't go away. If unclean spirits are involved, then the partial freedom that they find will be continued to be challenged, and fought for as the spirits continue to work on the person to pull them down and torment them. After complete deliverance, the person may still need post-deliverance discipleship, but the problems will go away and the person will not have to continually fight against the negative 'pull' in their system.

If the person has allowed guilt and shame to overtake them for a measure of time, then it is vital to tear down strongholds as well. True repentance of such a sin is an absolute necessity, and without which, true deliverance cannot be attempted. Abortion must be repented of for what it really is, and that is murder of an innocent child. The person must learn to forgive themselves as well for what they have done, and learn to love and accept themselves as Jesus loves and accepts them. They also need to believe and accept the forgiveness that Jesus has for them (have Bible verses handy to assure them of God's forgiveness). It is also important to be sure that any bad soul ties (sex outside marriage) is broken, and the sin of fornication (or adultery) needs to be brought before the Lord in repentance as well before the deliverance process begins. After true repentance has happened and legal grounds have been broken up (bad soul ties broken, etc.), then it's time to move on to tearing down any strongholds that are present and begin casting out the spirits that have entered the person.

Have peace with God?

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Jesus loves you for who you are, not because of your past! Would you like to receive Him?

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