Saturday, December 7, 2013


Just as there are danger signs you must watch out for in a man, there are also danger signs you must watch out for in a woman to be sure that you are married to the right person. Marriage is for life, and you cannot afford to make mistakes in the choice of a partner.  God is a God of signs and wonders and He is constantly doing signs and wonders even in our day. We saw that signs, to many people, are great manifestations of the power of God in the midst of His people, and that it is an instrument for giving direction to His people.

Signs are pointers that reveal the way or direct in the way one should go. Just like a sign post or board points to an address or a building, the same way, God supernaturally points us to some things He wants us to look at and deal with. This is the reason why Jesus taught that we should watch and pray. 

Matt 26:41 41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.

The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."  NIV Luke 21:36 36
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

  We also saw that in a relationship, there are things that happen that God uses as a sign to reveal His will about the relationship. As you pray daily for God to assure you if you are in the will of God or not. Sometimes, He may speak to you with a witness in your spirit, a voice, a vision, a dream, and sometimes with signs. I do not know if you have been observant to know what God is saying to you through the things you have been experiencing so far in your relationship. I want to share with you signs that reveal danger in a relationship that will require you to have a rethink about your present relationship. To close your eyes and ears to the signs that God reveals is dangerous, and you cannot blame God or anyone in future if you fail to take advantage of the signs now.


1. If she does not want to open up about the past

A woman who is not willing to open up about her past has some skeleton in her cupboard that could resurrect and hunt your relationship in future. Sincerity demands that all in a relationship open up and be free to share about their life so far lived. Not to open up reveals:
• Secrecy which is dangerous to the survival of a loving relationship.
• You can never know what is in her mind.
• Cannot be trusted for you never know when she is telling the truth.
• A scary past which you never know what it is and how it can and may affect her in future. This creates fear of the unknown which is not good for a relationship.
• You never know what to expect and what she is capable of doing.

2. If she has a chronic desire to dominate and be in control of your life and everything about the two of you.

A chronic desire to dominate and be in control is a sign that you may not be able to rule your home or be the decision maker in your future marriage. It is a sign that you will be having two captains in one boat and there will be contentions all the way. To marry such a person is to agree that you may lose your identity and remain silent and unable to take charge of the leadership of your family. It is not advisable to marry such a lady.  The man is to be the head of his house and the woman is to submit to her husband, any woman who shows sign of breaking this order and take over the helm of affairs is not a candidate for a successful marriage.

3. If she does not participate in seeking help for herself and is unwilling to change

Many people do not take the change of their person serious; they just don’t care about improving themselves to become better. They seem not to care about how their lifestyle is affecting and causing pain to the one they claim to love. To go ahead and marry such a woman is signing off your life for a life of pain. No matter how much you claim to love her as long as you are uncomfortable with her character, you will get pissed off soon and abandon the marriage. The best thing is to get her to get serious about improving and correcting her life now that you are not married, but when you find out that there is no inner motivation or seriousness to get rid of the evils in her life, you need to think again and give attention to this sign God is revealing to you and save yourself many nights of tears.

4. If she never takes responsibility for her actions

Refusal to accept responsibility for words and actions that result in failure and problems is a sign that there will be much trouble in the relationship if it ends in marriage.  Playing the blame game is insincerity and a very dangerous habit that can destroy a relationship. Playing the blame game is refusal to face the truth and confront the real issues and stop chasing shadows. Marrying a woman who is not willing to admit her faults and face them is not wise. Every man needs a humble and broken woman. A loving and virtuous woman is someone who is always ready to face issues sincerely and with commitment and deal with them on time. A humble and mature woman admits fault and takes responsibility for her words and actions. A good woman does not fear or too proud to say sorry when necessary. Shifting of blame is running away from the real issues that if left unattended to will destroy the marriage.

5. If she is very lazy and unwilling to become a hard worker

Gone are the days when women are married just to sit at home and take care of the children. It is even more appalling to see women who are lazy in keeping themselves clean not to talk of their house. Waking up in the morning to tidy up the house and get things ready for the husband and children will be like climbing a high mountain if such people do not change now. Laziness is a killer and destroyer of lives and relationship. It is a breeder of quarrels and poverty. It is an encourager of gossips.

6. If it seems you are the only one with the drive to make the relationship work It takes two to make a marriage successful.

Love must be in the heart of the two people in the relationship to make it exciting and successful. If it seems you are the only with the drive to make the relationship work, you should think again. You can’t force someone who does not love you to love and marry you. If there is no excitement in her heart for you, then you have nothing with her and she may leave you at the slightest opportunity. Don’t delay action on this matter with the claim that you love her. If you love her and she does not love you, you have nothing. You need a woman who will love you with the whole of her heart.

7. If she is controlled by her parents and greatly influenced by her friends

A woman who has no mind of her own will be a big problem in marriage because she will be under external influence. A woman who always consults parents especially the mother on practically every issue is not ready to leave her family and cleave to her husband. Every man needs a woman who can reason for herself and work in partnership with him, and when there is a misunderstanding, will keep it in the house and settle it amicably. Help should only be sort from family and friends when every effort in resolving the crisis fails.

8. If she is always demanding from you and not willing to give or make an investment into your life
Many have the mindset that the man is the only one who is to give to the woman and the woman is to be at the receiving end, this is not correct. Love is to be shown by all in the relationship. As the man invests in the woman, so also the woman is to invest in the man. If giving is a proof of love, then both the man and the woman should be giving to each other. If the woman is unwilling to give, it means that she is “a taker”, “a sucker” and selfish. Does she buy you gifts, meals and things to show her love or you are the only one who does? The answer will show you if she is selfish or not.

9. If she shows sign of flirting

Marrying a woman who is a flirt is foolishness. No matter how madly in love you may be with a woman be sure she is not flirting. I do not believe you will be able to stand an unfaithful woman. This is not a call for a life of suspicion but to be observant and deal with the matter. Marrying a woman you cannot trust to be loyal and faithful to you is invitation to a painful and miserable life.

10. If she has a violent temper

A violent woman cannot respect you as a husband; he will abuse you and wear you out with constant quarrels. A good woman will respect her husband and not insult or abuse him no matter the provocation. As you get to know each other, you will notice how she reacts when offended. You will know if she is a violent person by how she reacts. A quick tempered woman is a dripping sore that will definitely make you a bitter man. An angry woman will definitely manifest violent temper when disappointed. Marry a woman who has dealt with her temper problem.

11. If she is good at nagging The Bible declares that it is better to live on the roof top or the desert than to dwell in the same house with a nagging woman. 

Prov 21:9 9 Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.NIV

Prov 21:19 9 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.  NIV

A nagging woman will make your life a living hell, and kill the love that brought you together.

12. If she is dirty and always un-kept

Many people look clean outside when they are dressed up and outside their home, but their living home is always dirty and untidy. Their kitchen is always loaded with used and dirty dishes, pots and pans; their toilet is a huge disgrace. The bedroom is like a place where chickens play and where there are constant fights; nothing is ever arranged or organized. It is important that all understand that cleanliness is important to God, and should be important to you also. Dirtiness is only a manifestation of laziness and a wrong value system. A woman who cannot keep herself and her home clean is not fit to marry because she can’t keep her home clean and will teach her children by her example to be untidy and dirty. An untidy house will definitely make the man of the house to always want to be away from his home because it is not comfortable and stinks.

13.  If she takes life for granted and never serious about her life

Life is not a joke. Life is serious business. Every thing you think or say counts. Your life is a collection of choices, and each choice or decision produces positive or negative experiences. Therefore, an understanding of this will make one to take life serious and be careful what one thinks and how one behaves and lives. A woman who is not serious about life will be a liability and a constant pain. She will make many decisions that will cost your marriage and bring many hard times and a lot of pain. Life is not about partying, eating and drinking only. It is much more. Think about it and make a change in your attitude to life.


Take a look at your present experience and recent happenings in your relationship and identify the signs and take a decision and move on with your life. Do not allow your love for her to blind your eyes to the things you are being shown by God to save you from many nights of tears and from suffering from a heart break in future. Do not close your eyes to the things you ought to attend to.

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