Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Source 1: Lacking Knowledge In Male Psychology

I want you to look back at your life and think about one example where you’ve successfully influenced another person. Did you know that person well? Maybe a bit too well to know what his or her “hot buttons” were? Did you keep pushing those “hot buttons” to get the other person to respond? Did you try to adapt your communication style to what that person was most responsive to?
Exactly! Without understanding what your man responds to, you cannot influence him, change him and make him do what you want. You may have some luck here and there, but without knowing where to aim, how many Cupids Arrows do you have to waste until you finally hit the target? Once you know what the hot buttons are, you CANNOT POSSIBLY fail in attracting and keeping men. How can you fail when you target the things that men are most responsive to? How can you fail when you know exactly how to elicit certain responses in men? How can you fail when you can READ MEN LIKE A BOOK? How can you fail when you know men better than they know themselves? You cannot fail in attracting and keeping a man when you fully understand them. The only reason that you might fail is: “You Don’t Know Enough Yet!

Source 2: Lacking Knowledge Of How Your Emotions/Behaviors Influence Men

Unless they are plain evil, most men do not purposely try to break your heart. They don’t actively find ways or secretly plan to ruin your personal life. But there is one thing all men do:  They REACT!  They react to you, the things you say, the things you do and, most importantly, they react to the hints you give them. What do I mean by this?  A man can’t get into your mind. He is not your alter-ego and does not know what you are thinking. But when you interact with a man, you constantly give him hints that lead him to derive how you think, what you think and who you are. From your communication styles, body language and facial expressions, an experienced male can quickly gather tons of information about you. He only reacts to the information you give him. This is good news for you.  If a man can only form his perception of you from the information you give him, you are in total control. The key is to figure out how to allow only the good information to flow out and keep a lid on the bad information.

Source 3: Lacking Sufficient Practice To Become An Expert Seductress

There is a huge difference between knowing something on a theoretical level and knowing how to do something on a practical level. It’s the difference between dreamers and doers. If you want to be the woman who’s in control of her love life and who has the power to attract and keep any man of her choice, you need sufficient practice. I can tell you all the right things you need to know, but you have to practice, practice and practice to hone your skills. Think about it as starting a new job; it takes practice to become really good at what you are doing. The same rule applies here. If you practice enough, you'll become an expert seductress.  To sum up, if you take care of the three sources I have mentioned, you will solve 99.9% of your problems. You will also do better than 99.9% of women who are constantly confused by men and always frustrated with their neverending male problems.  These secrets are your friends, your tools and your strategies to influence men, impact on men and change men. Study them, use them and apply them. Practice, practice, practice, until you’ve become so good at what you are doing that within 10 minutes of meeting a guy you’ve already come up with a detailed mental plan to lead him from the first date to the altar. It’s 100% possible! I’ve done it; many of my readers have done it; now, you can too. Are you ready for the first secret? 

Thanks God Bless You.

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