Monday, September 23, 2013


Before we get started please know that ALMOST all energy drinks and shots  are not good for your health.Since finding this out an finding this article, I came across one that is made of natural vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. I recommend it to all my friends and family. It’s called Tone Up Fuel and it’s great for working out. Gives you natural energy to exercise and reach your goals.Now when you were small and you thought of a monster, what feelings rose up? Fear? Terror? They literally turn dreams into nightmares.Once upon a time monsters were to be feared and to run away from, no one had the desire to be like one, times have changed.Why does society now entertain and embrace the idea of being monsters? Why do so many adopt the concept of evil being redefined as good? How could this be?The answer; Indoctrination AKA brainwashing through use of propaganda and other means of media to influence mankind and to reshape thinking. To a few the method used to market products such as Energy Drinks and various items to the public is done in a clever way to further an agenda. Monster Drink

It’s everywhere & I mean everywhere!

Today we are flooded with symbols and esoteric ideologies. The Term Monster is tobe/become aggressive, forceful or threatening.When one uses the word monster to describe a way of feeling “I feel like a monster” or “I am a monster” this suggests that one is being taken over by a force that out of their normal character.The illusion of power and feeling stronger like that of a Monster is appealing, not to mention the dark sinister side. This is the idea behind Monster beverages. Idea being pushed; Energy=go beyond your normal capabilities= just like a monster.On the can, we see that there are 3 “claw” like imprints. This is to give the impression of Monster claws or to create the letter “M”.So the public will associate the claws with that of a monster, and therefore theorizing that this drink will give them so much energy that they will feel like they can conquer anything like monsters. Seems like a cool and hip logo. Monsters and beasts seem to be the in thing now a days.

The Truth

The truth of these Claw like markings is esoteric. And has multiple meanings and if one is not aware of the hidden message or the true symbolical meaning behind them, then its easy for one to subconsciously accept monsters(evil creatures) as cool and hip and desire to have their “power” or “energy”..this is a tool of indoctrination or manipulation of man. The True meaning of Monster Drink The true meaning of the “claw” symbols. Take a look at this Chart below…Take note of the highlighted Alphabet/Number. This is the supposed “claw” markings on Monster’s Energy Drink.This is the Hebrew/Greek Alphabet chart. The Hebrew and Greek alphabet does not have separate characters or alphabets for numbers and letters. Letters are also used as numbers. So each letter is a numerical value. The Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So Therefore the claw marks on the can are actually a clever, fancy Representation of the Hebrew Numbers 666.

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