Thursday, September 12, 2013


!Did you know that a person can welcome an evil spirit into their soul without even knowing it? It is not an uncommon scene when a person actually welcomes unclean spirits without having to do anything on the outside -- your thought-life is quite capable of opening doors all by itself! What happens is the enemy (working through unclean spirits) approaches a person at a time of need in their life, and gets the person to agree with the demon's bait. This bait can be very appealing to the person and it can even seem harmless and beneficial at that point and time. The enemy is known to disguise himself as an angel of light, as to deceive people into giving him access into their lives:

2 Corinthians 11:14, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."

I feel it is important to understand how the enemy works, so that we can equip ourselves to stand against him schemes. Paul said that they were not ignorant of Satan's devices... this is something that many in the church today cannot claim:

2 Corinthians 2:11, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."

The thing I've found with unclean spirits, is that they almost always offer some kind of 'sweet reward' to get a person to grant them access into their life. It could be forbidden sexual pleasure, supernatural power or knowledge of some kind (mind control, fortune telling, etc.), even healing (through occult powers) and physical defense (martial arts). Jesus made it clear that even evil thoughts can defile us (make us vulnerable for spiritual infection):

Matthew 15:19-20, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man..."

When we yield ourselves, whether it be our thoughts, actions and so fourth to the enemy, we are giving him access to our souls (mind, will and emotions). Here is a brief list of some popular spirits and how they often make themselves appealing:

Spirits of rebellion - The spirit seems to take the person's side and whisper to them, "I will stand up for you... I will stand up for YOUR rights!" The spirit is looking for the person to say, "Yeah, I need that!"

Spirits of divination (fortune telling spirit) - The spirit offers the person supernatural secrets into the future that others do not have access to. If the person begins to seek this sort of power, they are letting the demons know that they are welcome.

This is why I cringe every time that somebody tells me how their child is reading Harry Potter books... that child is letting the occult spirits (demons) know that they are interested in what the occult has to offer, and this gives them the right to move right in on that child! I have seen AWFUL things happen to children who have been involved in Harry Potter, yet so many parents are ignorant and convinced that it is a harmless storybook.

Automatic writing - This type of spirit offers beautiful 'out of this world' writings to the person that they wouldn't otherwise be able to produce. However, let's never forget that demonic power is very expensive and lands the person in bondage. Again, when a person begins to seek this forbidden power / ability, they are making themselves available for the spirits to enter.New age spirits (including Yoga) - Energy healing along with better mental and physical health are offered to the person, when in reality it's only bait to land them in bondage. Again, when a person partakes in Yoga, or seeks energy healing, they are opening themselves up to these spirits.

Spirits behind Karate (including spirits of mind control) - The person is offered an 'out of this world' means of defending them self that the average person does not have. When a person begins to seek this power found in martial arts, they are welcoming spirits of mind control and such to come in and make themselves at home.When a person breaks a board with their hand, there is an evil spirit that goes ahead of their hand and breaks the board before their skin even touches the board! If you take a macro slow motion video of a young boy breaking a 2x4 in half, you will eye-witness this fact. The same spirits will cause a person to be able to strike a seriously harmful blow to somebody else's body, and do far more than more than a mere physical blow would do the person. That is because evil spirits are involved. One time a man came to Christ after earning a high level ranking in karate, and not long afterwards, his karate instructor said to him, "You have lost the spirit of karate!"

Spirits of lust / perversion - The person is enticed to enter a world of forbidden pleasure. If the person begins to seek such pleasure, they are letting the spirit realm know that it's okay to feed them more pleasure in that area of their life. Once the person has a spirit in them such as lust or sexual perversion, it can become very difficult to resist the strong pull that the spirit has on that person.Spirits of addiction - These spirits often promise a world of escapism from reality for the person who is trying to cope with life. When a person turns to escapism, it can open them up to addiction which grows into a bondage where spirits of addiction are involved and it seems nearly impossible to break free (without deliverance that is).

Spirits behind cancer - The spirit offers the person a pleasurable 'they will pay' feeling that comes from bitterness and unforgiveness. Let's be honest, it can feel good to hold a grudge... but it will block God's forgiveness for your own sins! (See Matthew 6:15) When a person turns bitter, it invites an evil spirit into their system which will aggravate the cells in their body, which will cause abnormal growths, tumors and such.

Witchcraft & warlock spirits - These spirits offer supernatural power to 'get even' to an offended person. This can be very appealing to somebody who has been rejected or hurt in this world. When a person begins placing curses or seeking to learn about witchcraft, or even seeks to have a witch place a curse for them, it lets the spirits know that they are welcome in that person's life. God's Word tells us not even to seek somebody with occult power, lest we become defiled ourselves:Leviticus 19:31, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."

Occult spirits - The lure of supernatural power and knowledge of the unknown. When a person seeks such occult power and knowledge, they are making themselves available to those spirits.

Spirits of bondage - A person may think it's best to make a vow, in order to help them stay motivated to do or not do something, however, the Bible is clear that oaths can bind the soul (see Numbers 30), and it's not uncommon to find scenarios where a person has unclean spirits that entered in through vows that they have made in the past. Rash vows can be forgiven (Leviticus 5:4-11), and must be renounced (taken back) verbally. I also recommend verbally breaking the vow in Jesus' name and declaring it void by the power of the Blood of Jesus.

Spirits of self-pity, etc. - The spirit whispers to the person, "You poor thing! You deserve much better than that!" When a person agrees with such thinking, they are welcoming such spirits into their souls (mind, will and emotions).

After all, it can feel good when "SOMEBODY" agrees with that person's pity party!And the list goes on! These are just a few of the ways that demons make themselves appealing to a person's fleshly desires. When we leave the Word of God behind and seek to satisfy our own fleshly appetites, it can give unclean spirits access into our lives. Most people do not even realize what they are getting themselves into, and then they wonder why they have lost control in that area of their lives afterwards!

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