Wednesday, June 4, 2014



666 is the number of man = 9 

777 is the number of perfection = 3 

888 is higher than perfection = 6

666 + 777 + 888 = 9+3+6= 18 = 6+6+6

First here are some things that 777 is not

777 - is not the opposite of 666
777 - is not three sevens. 
777 - is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

In the first chapter of Genesis, it states "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and earth.

Elohim, Heavens, Earth = 777
The phrase 'One is the Ruach of the Elohim of Lives' = 777
The phrase 'The world of shells' = 777

This is from the concept of Qliphoth in Kabala. Qliphoth is basically the negative runoff from the process of creation, and can deal with demons and anything evil. Go look it up if you want to know more.

Another concept that demonstrates the significance of 777 comes from the Kabalistic diagram of the Tree of Life. For those of you that are not familiar, between each sphere on the tree, there is a path. All in all, there are 22 paths, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If you notice a concept referred to as the flaming sword that follows these specific paths, it has the gematria of 777. The paths are aleph, daleth, gimel, teth, lamed, nun, peh, resh, and tav. Now, because there is no actual corresponding path from the flaming sword and the Tree of Life, gimel is attributed to this 'phantom' path, nonetheless you get 777.

The number 777 and its true significance is immersed in the Kabalistic sciences such as gematria. Any other meanings attributed to the number 777 apart from the use of gematria, are based in other superstitions and random numerology. They are not founded in scripture or in biblical mysticism. In fact the vast majority of explanations for the number that I hear are ones that people make up off of the top of their heads.

Let us not forget of course the famous number 777 of Las Vegas slot machine fame.

Correct usage of the number 7

The usage of the number seven in the Bible to represent both completion and complete judgment might be possible. But nowhere in the Bible can it be proven, or even shown that the number 777 is to be used to represent the perfect  of God.

The number seven used in singular form is the only way the scriptures represent its usage. This is one 7, not three. Even in singular form usage the number seven is never used in scripture to define deity. God never intended for man to take one scriptural truth and expand it to prove the deity of any single person. The usage of the number seven in the Bible was never intended for that purpose. Jesus said, "I am the way", he did not say I am the 7, or I am the 777. Besides if God wanted us to recognize the messiah by a number only he would have never given us all the other scriptures and prophecies concerning the Christ. These prophesies being fulfilled by Jesus Christ over 2,010 years ago.

In respect to the number 777 the reason a correct understanding of the number 777 is so important is because the Antichrist may attempt to use this number to deceive nonbelievers, as well as Christians into thinking he is the messiah. Many of you are asking right now, how? He will do this by manipulating the English alphabet values of A=6 B=12 C=18 and then changing them to a progression of 7 alphabet. (A=7 B=14 C=21) Some of the words that will calculate to 666 using A=6 B=12 C=18 alphabet values are: witchcraft, lustful, insanity, stubborn, unruly, illusion. 

What if there was a way to make each of those words calculate to 777 instead of 666, would a 777 numeric result for the word insanity make the definition of insanity any different? Of course not! Insanity would still mean unsound of mind. If the future Antichrist could make his name calculate 777 instead of 666 would this make him a good Antichrist, of course not. If in fact if he was the Antichrist a 777 manipulation attempt by him would only prove all the more that he would in fact be the Antichrist as described in Revelation 13:16-18. 

As I mentioned in the other documents it is NOT possible to prove a person is the Antichrist by the 666 prophecy alone. I do not want anyone to accuse a world leader incorrectly of being the Antichrist. There is many other scriptures that must be considered before you can determine if the Antichrist has been revealed absolutely. Do not use this information foolishly. 

Following below is the correct numeric alphabet values for calculating the number of the beast. I have decided to show you some quick examples starting with the correct English alphabet values key first, then I will show values of the alphabet the Antichrist will use to make is argument against it. 

By the correct alphabet value key

A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 etc

Kissinger = 666 

Digital ID Chip=666 Verishield=666 Mark of Beast=666 Bio-Implant=666 Sorceries=666 Necromancy=666 Necromancy=666 Witchcraft=666 Confucius=666 Corrupt=666 Insanity=666 Horrors=666 Treacheries=666 Slaughter=666 Computer=666 Calculation=666 Monetary=666 False Market=666 Stubborn=666 Unruly=666 Illusion=666Book of the Dead=666 Quarrels=666 Falling Away=666 Hardened Heart=666 

By the progression of 7 system of the future Antichrist

A=7 B=14 C=21 D=28 E=35 etc

Kissinger = 777 

Digital ID Chip=777 VeriShield=777 Mark of Beast=777 Bio-Implant=777 Sorceries=777 Necromancy=777 Witchcraft=777 Confucius=777 Corrupt=777 Insanity=777 Horrors=777 Treacheries=777 Slaughter=777 Computer=777 Calculation=777 Monetary=777 False Market=777 Stubborn=777 Unruly=777 Illusion=777 Book of the Dead=777 Quarrels=777 Falling Away=777 Hardened Heart=777 

Now this is a hypothetical situation in respect to Kissinger, do not accuse any person of being the Antichrist until you are sure by all the prophecies of the Bible. However I do believe former secretary of state Henry Kissinger is the most obvious candidate. The reasons I believe this is due to the fact that Henry Kissinger won the Noble Peace prize for negotiating the cease fire in the middle east in the 1960's. The Antichrist is supposed to negotiate a peace agreement according to prophecy. Henry Kissinger is also a Jew who immigrated from Germany. However the biggest reason I believe he is the strongest candidate, is because of what Henry Kissinger has been doing since he left office assecretary of state. Henry Kissinger is far more powerful now, both politically and internationally, than he ever was when he was in office under president Nixon. Henry Kissinger is by far one of the most influential and original architects of the New World Order in concert with his former boss David Rockefeller. 

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