Friday, October 11, 2013


Day 1 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 1 Patience. Who/what makes you impatient? Pray for that person or situation today.  Are you in God’s waiting room? Ask God to teach you to be patient while you wait for Him.

Day 2 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 2 Kindness. Remember, kindness can be communicated in many ways, including smiles, courtesy, and the tone of your voice.

Day 3 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 3 Lack of Envy. Is there someone who has achieved some success or obtained something you’ve always wanted? Instead of envying them, ask God to help you rejoice with them today.

Day 4 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-3 Humility. Today when you’re tempted to talk about your own success or accomplishments, ask God to help you keep silent and simply be thankful for your many blessings.

Day 5 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 4 Humility. Look for some way to humble yourself today. Suggestions: Don’t talk about yourself but ask others about themselves; acknowledge a weakness; learn something from someone else today.

Day 6 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 5 Good Manners. Be very careful today to say “thank you,” to let others go ahead of you, to open doors for others, to let other cars in your lane of traffic, to relinquish your seat to someone else, to refuse to say harsh words.

Day 7 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 6  Caring for Others. Ask God to send someone your way today whom you can serve in some way. Practice thinking of others as more important than yourself (Philippians 2:3).

Day 8 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 7 Self-Control. What or who typically makes you angry? Pray that you will not be easily angered today, and that you will resolve any anger before you sleep tonight.

Day 9 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-7 Forgiveness. What list of wrongdoings and unfair treatment are you harboring in your heart? Pray God will help you get rid of that list and forgive those people, even if they don’t ask you to forgive.

Day 10 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 8 Looking for the Good in Others. Think of someone that you really don’t like. Ask God to show you something about that person that is good, and then thank God for him or her. Try to find an opportunity to tell that person about the good you see in him or her.

Day 11 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 9  Truthfulness. Make a commitment not to indulge in any gossip today. Do not be a part of any character assassination; remember that love covers a multitude of sin.

Day 12 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 10 Protectiveness. Can you think of someone who needs some protective care today? Perhaps they’ve been treated badly by someone else, and you might be able to give them a safe harbor for healing.

Day 13 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-10 Trusting. Do you tend to be very cynical and not trust people, perhaps because you’ve been burned before? Ask God to help you learn to be a more trusting person.

Day 14 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 11 Hopefulness. Is there someone or something you’ve given up hope on? Love always hopes for the best, so ask God to help you to be positive and to restore your hope that God will perform a miracle.

Day 15 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 12 Perseverance. There is probably someone in your life not doing what they should do. Pray that God will help you hang in there with them, even though you don’t approve. Pray with perseverance

Assignment Memorize Evaluate Your Progress – Note where you need more practice 

Day 16 Read  I Corinthians 13 Verse 13  Patience.    

Day 17 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Kindness.   

Day 18 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Lack of Envy.    

Day 19 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Humility.   

Day 20 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Humility.   

Day 21 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Good Manners.   

Day 22 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Caring for Others.   

Day 23 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Self-Control.  

Day 24 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Forgiveness.  

Day 25 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Looking for the Good in Others.  

Day 26 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Truthfulness.   

Day 27 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Protectiveness.  

Day 28 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Trusting.   

Day 29 Read  I Corinthians 13 Review vs. 1-13   Hopeful.   

Day 30 Read  I Corinthians 13  vs. 1-13   Perseverance

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