Monday, April 28, 2014


Broad Divisions Within Christianity - More Than 30,000 Schisms
In our world today, there are more than 30,000 factions within Christianity, called denominations. This is a specific fulfillment of Jesus prophecy in Mark 3:25 when He stated, 'if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand'. As a fact, that house will certainly crumble and this is because Christianity and its doctrines were never established by the Creator or even taught by Jesus, Himself.

The religion of Christianity was founded by another individual whose teachings, crafted from the teachings of Freemasonry,  usurped 'The Way' taught by Jesus. This is why Jesus stated in John 5:43 'I come in my Father's  name and you receive me not, if another shall come in his own name', him you shall receive'. As a fulfillment of that prophecy, that 'other' who came in his 'own name' has definitely been received. He authored more books in the Bible than any other contributor, started most of those same books in his 'own name' and is the only person in the Bible who calls himself as a Masterbuilder; the title of the highest rank within Freemasonry, known as the 'Holy Royal Arch'. This is only one of many reasons that  religion of Christianity, having been manufactured from a doctrine different than 'The Way' of Jesus, is riddled with factions, contradictions and divisions. The multitude of contradictory opinions or divisions inside of Christianity, have sent a message to the world that the truth it is not unique in-and-of-itself and that the truth, being subject to opinions, can be different things to different people.

This is one of the devastating lies of the Last Days and one of the primary pieces of the 'strong delusion' spoken of above. This time of deceit and its resulting doctrinal errors, however, is coming to a close and just as the book of Daniel tells us, knowledge of the truth is increasing within the minds of certain individuals, in these Last Days. That truth is being brought to light and is being made available throughout. The truth is here for you, however, the question you must ask yourself is, 'are you ready to know the truth?' If you are, choose today and ask God.

Jeremiah  33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

And prepare to understand things as you've never understood them before.

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