Sunday, April 6, 2014

THE POISON IN THE PASSION The audio track is „hypnotic‟ – warning that the visuals and audio allow us to drop our cognitive ability and possibly allow some sort of infiltration. Church Leaders: Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland; Robert Schuller all agree its „worth watching’ and is an „accurate account’, Tim le Hay – positive. The Vatican states: “if they’re critical of the film, they’ll be critical of the gospel” – but which gospel is he talking about? Rick Warren: “brilliant, masterpiece, historic”. Darrell Bock – “substantially accurate”. Pope John Paul 22nd…’it is as it was” Sold 4.1 million copies on the first day, 611 mill USD It was made using 16th century Latin (with very deep occult relations – (language of the inquisition). Flows directly out of Gibson’s personal dedication to the Catholicism in one of its most mysterious forms…the 16th century…Mel Gibson Jesuit (Dr William Fulco) is the man who translated some of the scripts..Mel Gibson received his doctorate Ignasios Loyola University - founder of the Jesuit movement)..their goal is to destroy Protestantism and bring people back to catholism. The world seen from Rome …”if the mind doesn’t understand, so much better” People are heralding the movie as even greater than the Bible in its representation of Jesus‟ death. Mel Gibson was renewing his Catholic faith and purchased a library of hundreds of books from a closed nunnery. Mel claims as he was reaching for a book on the library shelf, a supernatural intervention caused another book to „miraculously‟ drop into his hands‟. And that „miracle book‟, not the Bible, not the Gospels, is the inspiration for the passion. „The Dolorous passion of our Lord Jesus Christ’ according to the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Gibson claims like „magic’ the book opened up a new world. Who is Anne Catherine Emmerich: born on the feast of the Virgin Mary‟s own nativity: Sep 8 ‟1874, she became a nun with supernatural visions very early in her life. She was frequently found practicing the occult art of levitation. She also practiced astral projection, claiming to have watched the actual execution of Kind Louis XVI and visited Marie Antoinette, queen.

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