Thursday, April 10, 2014


Spiritual Weapons to Win a Battle

 Genesis 3:1-7
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they know that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
When an individual receives Jesus Christ and is born again of the Spirit of God, that person instantaneously becomes a new creature in Christ and an adversary of the devil.

Satan does not want to lose his dominion over them so he immediately begins a counter-attack to reclaim that person. At this point spiritual warfare is declared and the believer finds themselves in a life and death struggle against Satan and his demonic forces for his spiritual survival.
"Finally be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist the evil day, and having done everything to stand, stand firm (Ephesians 6: 10-13).

Satan battles to take away from you everything God has given and blessed you with. You are battling to keep it. This study is about the different strategies Satan uses to wreck your spiritual life and if possible to destroy you.

We'll be looking at four persons in the Old Testament that were attacked by Satan and from their experiences we will learn....

1.The  Satan aims at in our life.

2.The  Satan uses to attack us.

3.The  The  God has provided for us.
Strategy of Satan
#1Genesis 3:1-7

 I.     When Satan wanted to lead the first man and woman into sin, he started by attacking the woman's mind (See 2 Cor. 11:3 and 1 Tim. 2:13-14).

B.   Why would Satan want to attack your mind?

Because your mind is the part of the image of God where He communicates with you and reveals His will to you.

Because  your thought life according to Proverbs 4:23 controls the rest of your life. "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."  in the Old Testament deals with your thought life in over 200 of the 800 times  is used. Verse 23 could read, 

Because your thought life dominates and shapes your attitude.
-----Your thought life leads to an  .
-----Your attitude leads to an  -----Your action leads to an  

C.  It's important that we protect our thought life because we can become no bigger, no better, no finer, no more successful than our dominant thoughts. "As a man thinketh in his heart (deeply) believes) so is he" (Prov. 23:7).

What the mind attends to it 

What the mind does not attend to it 

What the mind attends to continually it 

What the mind believes it 
IV. Your Defense: The inspired Word of God

A.  John 8:32, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Only the inspired Word of God can reveal and defeat the devil's lies.

Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan's attack on the Mount of Temptation (Matt. 4:1-11).

B.  If we are to win the battle of the mind we must

Love God's Word

Know God's Word

Memorize God's Word

Meditate on God's Word

Believe God's Word

Use God's Word

Do God's Word

C.  If we follow these 7 steps, we will be able to "Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every though to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).
Strategy of Satan
#2 Job Chapters 1 and 2

I.  Satan's Target: Your Body

A.  If Satan cannot defeat you by deceiving your mind, then he will try to destroy your body.

As the serpent he deceives.

As the lion he devours.

B.  Why does Satan attack our bodies?

Because your body is  (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Because your body is  (Romans 6: 12-13).

Because your body is  (2 Cor. 4:7)

II. Satan's Weapon: Suffering

A.  Satan wants to control the circumstances around the body so that the believer will suffer.

He wants to touch the body and create suffering.

All of this is illustrated in the story of Job.

In the story of Job it is important that we remember that God was always in control.

B.  Not all suffering is satanic in origin.

Sometimes we suffer because we are  and we often do things that result in suffering.

Sometimes we suffer because we  God.

But there is a suffering that is Satan's weapon and that is what Job experienced.

C.  When you find yourself in difficult situations, seek to discern through the Word of God and prayer whether your suffering is from Satan.
Satan's Purpose: To Make You Question God's Care

A.  In Satan's attack on Job - Job's faith and trust in God was put to the test. Would his faith crumble because of suffering or would he have the patience to endure the test and continue to serve God in spite of it.

The only place where Job is mentioned in the New Testament is James 5:11, "You have heard of the patience of Job...."

This verse indicates that Satan's purpose was to try to get Job to be impatient in continuing to trust God in his suffering and give-up.

Satan thought he had Job figured out, but he didn't know Job like God did. Satan thought Job didn't have the patience to endure the storm of suffering. God knew Job did, so He allowed the test.

B.  Patience is an important Christian virtue when we're waiting on an answer from God in the midst of a time of trouble in our life.

Unless we have patience to endure and to last the storms of life, we'll never learn the lessons that God intends those storms to teach us.

Satan knows that if he can make us  he can lead us to do something  and get ourselves and others into trouble.

IV.  Your Defense: The Imparted Grace of GodA.  Job is not the only saint who felt the attack against his body. The great Apostle Paul had a similar experience.

See 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

God's  is God's  for our every need.

B.  What steps should you take when Satan attacks your body with suffering and tries to make you impatient in waiting for God's solution to the problem?

Immediately submit yourself to God.

Continue to give God worship, praise and thanks every day   of the problem you are suffering.

If you have invited God into the situation in prayer - believe He'll work it out to your good in the end (Romans 8:28).

Spend  time in the .
--Don't whine or complain.
--Don't fall into the not fair "trap."
--Don't surrender to the problem.
--Speak the Word of God into the situation.
--Give God opportunity to work His power and provision into it.
Satan's Strategy #3

I. Satan's Target: Your Will

A.  Satan's' goal is always to get to the . This is what he attacked in David's life.

B.  There are four wills that struggle for man's obedience.

Man's own will (Rom 12:1-2).

Other men's will (1 Peter 4:2).

Satan's will (John 8:44).

God's will (Eph. 5:15-17

C.  The Christian life is basically a matter of the . We are to love the Lord with all our heart (the emotions), and our mind (the intellect) and our strength (the will).

The Holy Spirit wants to instruct  through the Word of God, inspire the heart with holy emotions and strengthen the to do the will of God.

Your will is important because your will helps to determine your character.

Decisions  character and decisions  of your life.

D.  Satan's original sin was a sin of the will

Five times in Isaiah 14: 12-14, Satan says, I will.

Satan seeks to duplicate this in our life.

II. Satan's Weapon: Pride

A.  David  was feeling  when Satan approached him with the suggestion to number the people.

In this act David was manifesting the  God usually was the one who authorized the numbering of the people, but David took it upon himself to do it in spite of Joab's warning. There was no occasion to number them

God had promised to multiply them. It appeared that David wanted to number them to see if God was keeping His Word.

It's worth noting that David's sin of numbering the people resulted in 70,000 people dying. David's sin of adultery led to the death of 4 people.

B.  What was wrong with David numbering the people?

When David numbered the people he did it for his own glory and not for the glory of God.

God did not  it and if God doesn't initiate something, He's not into it.

C.  It was pride that  David's actions. Satan David's will by inflating his ego.

Ego is 

To some degree  enters into all of Satan's temptations.

III. Satan's Purpose: To Make You Act Independent of God's Will

A.  Man is a  creature. He must depend on God (for in Him we live and move and have our being) and on his fellow man to stay alive.

The essence of sin is to seek to be independent of God.

Whenever you and I act in direct disobedience we are displaying   and 

One of the most important lessons that the believer learn is that he cannot be independent of God.

A.  Pride is such a strong weapon and Satan is such a strong adversary that only a stronger power can give us the victory. That power comes from the 

Read Philippians 2: 12-13

To work out your own salvation means to bring your Christian life to completion, to accomplish in character and conduct what God has planned for you.

B.  God has a definite plan for each life, and we must cooperate with Him in fulfilling that plan. According to Ephesians 2: 8-10 there are three works involved in the Christian life.

The first work is . This is the work God does for us.

The second work is . This is the work God does in us.

The third work is . This is the work God does through us.

God works  that He might work  and accomplish the task that He has already prepared for us.

C.  How does God work in us? Through the Holy Spirit.

What must  to enable the Spirit of God to work in us? The answer to that question is found in Romans 12: 1-2.

The Holy Spirit can work in your life when your body, mind and will are yielded to Him.

If you yield these three areas of your life daily to the Spirit of God, then the Spirit will empower you to defeat the devil.

In the battle against Satan the only way to conquer is to to God.

D.  When God's Spirit is at work, He produces  not pride. The person who  is truly  has these characteristics: James 4:10, "Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you."

He  himself.

He  himself.

He  himself.

He  to better himself that he might serve God better.
A.  The prophet Zechariah was given a vision at a time when the nation of Israel had sinned against the Lord. The scene of the vision takes place in heaven.

The scene Zechariah saw was that of a . God was the Judge. Joshua (not the Joshua with Moses) the High Priest is the  and Satan is the 

Satan appears to have a case against Joshua because he appears to be wearing filthy garments while ministering and the High Priest was always to wear clean clothes.

B.  Joshua  the people before God and the people were sinful. This explains why Joshua's priestly garments were dirty. His condition was Israel's condition.

A High Priest identified himself with the people he represented.

Satan knew Israel was sinful and he protested to God that Israel and Joshua be judged. You can imagine Satan's arguments.

How do you think Joshua felt during all the trial? Certainly his heart was broken and his conscience was smitten.

C.  When you and I  God we feel guilty. Guilt is an emotion that occurs when we receive a message of disapproval from the conscience that says, "You've done wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Satan uses this guilt to  us to judgment. He attacks us in our heart and conscience.

See how subtle and merciless Satan really is;
--Before we sin, he shouts at us, "You can get away with this."
--After we sin, he shouts at us, "You'll never get away with this."

God uses our guilt to  us in our conscience to repentance.

II. Satan's Weapon: Accusation

A.  It's important that we learn the difference between Satan's (condemnation) and the Holy Spirit's 

When the Holy Spirit convicts you, he uses the Word of God in love and seeks to bring you back into fellowship with your Heavenly Father.

When Satan accuses you, he uses your own sins to make you feel hopelessly separated from God.

B.  The difference between Holy Spirit conviction and satanic accusation.

Holy Spirit conviction moves you toward God. Satanic accusation moves you away from God.

Holy Spirit conviction leads to confession. Satanic accusation leads to condemnation.

Holy Spirit conviction produces repentance. Satanic accusation produces regret and remorse.

Holy Spirit conviction focuses on the mercy of God. Satanic accusation focuses on judgment of God.

A.  Satan wants you to feel guilty, helpless and hopeless. He wants you to experience   and , but not.

He wants to keep accusing you so that you focus your attention on  and 

He knows that once you look away by faith to Jesus Christ, you will repent, confess your sins and find  and.

B. True conviction of the Spirit will always move you closer to God.

It's a sign that God's grace and love is at work in your life.

Your Defense: The Interceding Son of God

A.  It is true that Satan stands at  to resist us and accuse us. But it's also true that Jesus Christ stands at  to intercede for us.

See Hebrews 7:25 and Luke 22:31-32.

If we yield to sin, Jesus ministers as our advocate to and to  us to fellowship once again.

If by faith we turn to Him and come to the throne of grace, He will see us through to victory.

C.  Notice the stages of the experience of Joshua the High Priest.

First there is Satan's  The accuser names Joshua's sins at the throne and calls for a Holy God to judge Joshua.

Second is God's  of Satan. God's rebuke is based on God's grace toward His people.

Third is Joshua's  God ordered them to remove the filthy clothes and put holy garments on the High Priest.

D. Resistance - rebuke - restoration; these are the stages in the experience of confessing sin and returning to fellowship with Father.

Satan will accuse you, but do not listen. Turn to Jesus Christ your advocate and confess your sins to Him.

Depend on what God's Word says and  Unconfessed sin in our life is a foothold for Satan.

Proverbs 28:13, "He who conceals his transgression will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion."

May God bless you all

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