Saturday, April 19, 2014


 "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10     

  Any child knows that God created Adam and Eve; NOT, Adam and Steve! The very notion of two homosexuals getting married is repulsive and disgusting. In Romans 1:26 God calls homosexual "love"... vile affections, i.e., morally reprehensible affections. God's Word condemns homosexuality, which is why Sodomites today are relentlessly trying to corrupt the Bible.Romans 1:25 told us they'd do this, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie...

" Gay marriage is NO marriage at all in the eyes of God.  Mark 10:9 plainly states that marriages are made in Heaven... "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." God will not honor a sinful marriage between two lesbians or homosexuals. The entire idea of same-sex-unions (i.e., gay marriage) is foolish, absurd, and most of all, unbiblical. We are a spiritually destitute people!

One of the best secular arguments against homosexual marriages is the fact that a child NEEDS both a male and female role image in their developmental stage.  For a child to grow up healthy and normal, BOTH male and female parental roles are required. A child who grows up with two lesbian parents, will grow up warped and confused, having been denied the privilege of a NORMAL home. Homosexuality is NOT an alternative lifestyle; but rather, a sinful lifestyle. It's not "a new kind of family" as the TV networks propagate; but is in reality a sinful kind of family.

Homosexuality is a horrible sin, which brought the destruction of God upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Although some people have pointed out to me that God destroyed Sodom for other sins besides homosexuality (Ezekiel 16:49), Jude 1:7 plainly states that God destroyed Sodom for sexual sins, including that of going after "strange flesh" (a clear reference to the unnatural behavior of homosexuality). 

Furthermore, Genesis 19:1-9 gives us explicit details about an angry mob of homosexuals in Sodom, who were about to break down Lot's front door and rape the male guests (i.e., the angels). Genesis 19:4 reveals that Sodom was saturated with homosexuals... "But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter." Sodom was known as a city of queers; hence the term, "sodomite." In addition, Romans Chapter one is a solid indictment against the sin of homosexuality.

 The fact that two homosexuals cannot produce natural children is evidence enough, that something is VERY WRONG AND UNNATURAL with being a homosexual. Homosexuality is a sin, which has led to the CRAZY practice of artificial insemination. 

Please read, Gay Men and Lesbians Utilizing Infertility Clinics to Have Babies. Think about how immoral and crazy this is! Two lesbians get married, and then pay a complete stranger, a man, to donate his sperm to artificially inseminate one or both of the women in a medical clinic. So while the two lesbians are having lesbian sex, their babies are the result of artificial insemination by a man they'll probably never even meet. How crazy is that? Then there's the case of two homosexual men living together, who pay a woman to be artificially inseminated with one of their sperm cells, so they can be fathers? Folks, this stuff belongs on The Outer Limits! It just goes to show that when mankind disobeys God's Word, things get crazy.

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