Saturday, May 2, 2015


If I was to give advice, I’d encourage everyone to become self-employed.

You don’t get any benefits by working for someone else.

Actually, your performance is bad because you just don’t have the motivation; you usually do something you don’t like; and you probably stay in an office from 9 to 5. Eventually you start dreading Mondays, become depressed because you never do what you want, and you realize that the balance and security this job may give you can disappear in an instant by losing it. And then what?

I think self-employment is the answer.

Nothing beats being your own boss, doing what you enjoy and are passionate about, making a decent income by actually offering value to others and having free time whenever you feel like. It’s freedom in so many ways.

It may take some hard work, probably money to begin with, a lot of time, dedication, unexpected problems and moments when you’ll be on the verge of giving up. But what doesn’t?
Everything great requires these things and the result, if achieved, is tremendous and totally worth fighting for.

Not everyone can do it, though, because of a few things that stand in his way.

Here is how most people think:

- having your own business is something only rich people and the lucky ones can afford;
- nothing works in this economy;
- it probably won’t work;
- too risky;
- it’s not the right time;
- it’s more safe to just keep your current job;
- the idea of doing what you love, making it your career, helping people and actually making a lot of money out of it, sounds crazy and impossible to most people;
- it takes knowing the right people;

The limitations we set to ourselves are countless.

And yes, if you look at it this way, most people don’t succeed, knowing the right people really works wonders, having money to start with is always better and you need to be willing to take some risks.
So most people decide to give up before they’ve even started.

Staying in your comfort zone is easier, that’s true. But we also know that nothing will even happen there, neither will we build any character.

I think self-employment is one of the best things we can do in our life so that we can live it the way we want; we can actually achieve something, have money and be happy and independent.

I also think it’s a win-win situation. It helps you, your clients (because you’re more motivated than ever to satisfy their needs considering the fact that their money go directly into your pocket), society (because you offer value) and economics in general.

Here is what you actually get if you decide to break free from the 9~5 jail and do something with your life.

freedom;no bosses;no one to answer to but yourself (and who can you respect more, anyways);no fixed working time;ultimate independence;happiness;you create your own future;you build your own community;taking vacations whenever you want;working on whatever you’re interested in;you decide what is wrong or right;you inspire others;satisfaction and contentment;contribution to the world;helping people;the chance of making a massive income;flexibility;the possibility to take up new projects and develop your business in new directions;you can work more when you feel inspired and then take some time off when you need it;confidence;you affect people’s lives.

It is indeed risky, scary, stressful and at times seems impossible. But it’s also adventurous, brave, creative, beneficial, meaningful and is the only way for you to have freedom, independence and happiness while supporting your family and helping others

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