Sunday, June 12, 2016


In this article, I am dealing with a subject that is so personal and so private that those who have it don't like to talk about it. I'm talking about the issue of women, and many times men, who experience sexual relationships in their sleep.

There are three people affected by this. Those who have this relationship on a constant, ongoing basis; those that have this relationship on and off, and those who have this relationship but don't know they do because immediately after, it is wiped off their memory by demonic manipulation.

In my own opinion, the third group is the worst group to belong. Since they cannot remember the dream, they will not be able to do something about it.

If you have the problem of sexual encounters in your dream, the first thing I have to say to you is, relax. Just relax, don't be tensed up. Why? You are not alone. Statistics have shown that seven out of ten women experience this problem.


These spirits have so mastered the art of deception that they will use the faces of people you are familiar with when they visit you at night.

There are women who have told us they see their dad coming to sleep with them in their dreams. We know that is the spirit husband using the face of the father. Your dad has nothing to do with this night encounter.

Sometimes they may even bring the face of your pastor, who fasts and prays for you. This is another manipulation in itself to make you look down on your pastor and distrust him. Trust me, it was not your pastor coming to sleep with you, he's not as debased as to do that. It is none other the spirit husband.

At other times, they'll bring the face of your husband. It's not in dreams that you're supposed to meet with your husband this way. Any experience like that is very questionable.

They can also come with the face of your brother, your boss and people around you. It's no other one but the spirit husband masquerading himself in these false disguises.


These night-time [sometimes day-time] experiences are called encounters with spirit husbands and spirit wives.

In Africa they call these dream visitors; 'night husbands and night wives.'

The Latin people of those days called it the 'encounter with incubi and succubi.'

If you look in the Webster's dictionary, Incubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have intimate relationships with women why they are asleep while Succubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have relationships with men in their sleep.

In Matthew 13:25, the Bible says; "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."

The most dangerous part of your day is really not when you're driving on the highway, operating a machinery in a factory or doing construction work on a high rise building.

The most dangerous part of anybody's day is when you lay down to sleep. That is when the enemy does the most damage to the majority of people.

I will be deceiving myself to tell you that I know everything that needs to be known about this subject, but the little, tiny experience I've had over the years in studying, coupled with counseling and praying for people, I can say without any shadow of doubt that the problem of succubi and succubi is a very common problem that you cannot just dismiss with a wave of the hand.

What is so troubling is that many Christians who are saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Sprit, are also afflicted and affected by this problem. Out of ignorance and sometimes out of pride, these dear saints keep this problem to themselves rather that cry out for help.

Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and age. I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, that have experienced this and some became bound by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus. I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, where the witch or warlock has actually, through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream. This having been done through the utilization of "Familiar" spirits.

In some instances, I have found that those spirits have entered in through masturbation and fantasy lust. If the individuals renounce the fantasy lust and stopped masturbating, they were delivered. I have taken several individuals through deliverance from those demons and I've found that people have been violated (raped) by spirits, not actually wanting to believe it or not understanding what happened to them until deliverance revealed it. But they know that they had experienced something painful and undesirable.

I have taken individuals through deliverance, that have felt the bed moving, felt their bodies responding uncontrollably, yet their rational, logical mind could not comprehend it. So they wrote it off as a dream. These demonic spirits that function in this sexually perverse way must be renounced and cast out, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Essentially, the incubus is a lewd demon which seeks sexual intercourse with women. It is also termed follet (French), alp (German), duende (Spanish) and folletto (Italian). The corresponding demon who appears to men is the succubus. When associated with one particular witch or sorcerer, both incubus and succubus are known as magistellus, or "familiar". Inasmuch as the nightmare dream is sexual in latent content, incubus is often used interchangeably with The Mare Demon; in fact, the Latin word for nightmare is incubo (to lie upon). The incubus can assume either a male or a female shape. Sometimes he appears as a full-grown man. Sometimes as a satyr or in the form of a demon, and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, the incubus generally assumes the form of an animal.

Succubus is a demon in female form, specialized in seducing men. Although feminine in meaning, in form this medieval Latis word, succubus, is masculine (because demons were supposedly sexless) the feminine form succuba (strumpet) is occasionally found. If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the real from the unreal, please seek deliverance. Don't allow Satan and his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God."


How does the presence of spirit husband or wife affect a person? I know of at least three ways that I would like to discuss.

1. Difficulty getting married.
2. Difficulty staying married.
3. Difficulty having children.

Firstly, those who experience sexual encounters in their dreams will have difficulty getting married and if they make attempts to get married, all their attempts will be met with one frustration or another.

I have met with many men and women who in the natural should have no problems whatsoever in finding a spouse. Unfortunately because of the presence of these spiritual spouses, they are blocked from being able to get engaged and stay engaged.

One night I was ministering in a revival service. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge about a lady who was being troubled every night by spirit husband. A lady raised her hand and she was prayed for. This sister has suffered a lot from the hand of this evil personality. She was engaged in the church to marry a brother but mysteriously, the engagement broke up. Little did we know that it was the work of the spirit husband.

That night, the spirit husband came back but could not do anything to her because the Lord had broken that yoke during the revival. The spirit left and could not come back to defile her again.

Not too long after that she was engaged and the marriage was held without any problem whatsoever.

If you know you ought to have been married by now but for whatever reason cannot find someone to marry or cannot stay engaged, you probably are being troubled by the problem under discussion. See a capable deliverance minister for the prayer of deliverance.

Secondly, those who experience sexual encounters in their dreams are likely to have difficulty in their marital lives.

The Spirit husband or wife is very jealous and anyone who is married to the one they claim better get ready for war.

Many unhappy and broken homes today are as such because of the evil manipulations of these jealous spirits.

A sister in our church was recently delivered from the power of night husband. She told me to make sure I include her testimony in my preaching sermon so as to encourage those who may be suffering the same fate as she suffered.

Her story shows how the presence of a spirit husband or wife can have a negative effect on a marriage.

For as far back as she could remember she had a sprit husband, who will come in to her every night and defile her. After she got saved, he was still coming every night. She told me that some nights, this man would have left before she would have any consciousness of the fact that he had been around.

During these encounters, she has very serious marital problems that defied solutions. Her marriage was at the brink of collapse.

One day, she just got up and told her husband, she was tired of the marriage. She took R10,000 and moved out of the house. She went to the Park station in Johannesburg  City and boarded a bus not even knowing where the bus was headed.

She rode on the bus for about 24 hours till it got to Cape Town. Then something told her to get off the bus and she did. This lady came out of the bus not knowing where to go since she had no contacts in Cape Town.

As she came out of the bus, a well-dressed man carrying a briefcase approached her, calling her by her first name. She was startled by the incidence since he is a total stranger to her.

"Who in the world are you?" she asked.
He replied, "Don't tell me you don't know me."
"I am telling you that I don't know you." She replied.
"I am your husband." The man replied.
"You are not my husband. My husband is in Johannesburg." Was her reply.
"I'm the one who comes to you every night in your dreams. Let us go, for I have spiritually manipulated you from Johannesburg  to this place so we can spend some time together in real life." He further told her that after they are done in Cape Town  he will let her return to Johannesburg  but will henceforth call her out to meet with him at other locations all over the South Africa. He opened his briefcase and it was full of hard-core currency. He told her not to worry, she would be well taken care of.

When the lady got to this point of her story, I had to make sure I was in a counseling session and not in a dream. I then asked her if what she had said thus far happened in real life or she was just narrating a dream experience to me. Lo and behold, it was not a dream.

I then asked her what she did.

She said, "Preacher, my eyes opened and I pushed him aside, ran into the bus station to take the next bus to Johannesburg." However, before she left, the man said to her, "Where are you running to? You can run, but you can't hide. I don't have to get on the bus to be with you in Johannesburg!"

She got on the bus the same night and arrived in Johannesburg  in the early hours of the morning. When she got off the bus in Johannesburg, guess who was waiting for her?…the same "man" she left in Cape Town  a few hours earlier.

With a grin on his face, he said to her, "I told you that you're mine and I'm yours. No circumstances can change our decision, so you might as well stop running."

She pushed him out of the way and took a taxi home where she quickly made up with her real husband.

It was this incidence that brought her to me for deliverance. The man never surfaced again after her deliverance.

Many who have spirit husbands and get married in the physical end up having problems in their marriages.

The fact of the matter is that the spirit husband is very jealous. He takes marriage to another person as a sign of unfaithfulness and will not give up without a fight. Sometimes not only is the marriage attacked, the husband in the physical is also attacked in one-way or the other by the spirit husband. There have been cases of men who have died mysterious and violent deaths as a direct result of attacks from the spirit husband.

At other times the spirit husband will separate the husband from the wife making it hard for them to live together under the same roof.

The final evil effect of the presence of spirit husband and spirit wife is the difficulty in having children.

We have had to deal with many cases of barren women who the doctors cannot understand the cause for their barrenness. They have been thoroughly examined and no medical reasons are found for their inability to reproduce.

In many of these cases, during deliverance sessions, the spirit husband manifests contesting our right to dislodge him from blocking the lady. The anointing that destroys yokes has set many women free during these sessions resulting in the birth of healthy babies sometimes after decades of childlessness.

At other times diseases of the reproductive system is introduced into the woman thereby making it difficult for her to conceive.

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