Friday, July 31, 2015


There are many different types of relationships we can have with one another, from friendship, romantic love to parental or sibling love, or working relationships.  Whilst love can feel wonderful and bring much joy and happiness, it can also bring much pain.  Yet it is through pain that we learn the most. 

To live without love is to not live at all and shrivels the soul, and we learn nothing. 

But there are ways to be in relationship with others that is positive and uplifting to yourself and to the other, even if the relationship doesn't last forever.  In love relationships we have much to learn from the other.  The important people in our lives (actually all people in our lives) are really mirrors.  We draw to us those who will help us learn about ourselves.  Each time we are presented with a challenge in a relationship, we are really being presented with an 'opportunity' to look inside ourselves to see what about us it is that needs working on, so that we may grow. 

As an example, if a partner behaves in a way that elicits let's say, jealousy, in us, then they are actually triggering an emotion inside us that is incomplete - that is the 'mirror'.  We look at that emotion that has been triggered and so rather than point a finger at the other one (that is us being a 'victim'), we look at our 'jealousy' and see that we have an issue with 'jealousy' and there is our opportunity to change that about ourselves.  Jealousy is a fear that we are not good enough, and therefore we can then see that if we worked on our 'not-good-enough' belief, then regardless of the other person's behaviour, we would no longer experience 'jealousy (that is us taking back our power). 

We can't change another, only ourselves.

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