Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Being busy . . . is not a sin! Jesus was busy and so were his disciples. Nothing is accomplished without effort, hard work and weariness. But what we are "busy" doing, is what's important! If we are busy in endless pursuit of things in this world, it will leave us empty, hollow and broken inside. Worldly pleasures are fleeting and will not bring lasting happiness. All too often we fill every second of our time, trying to earn enough money to buy "things," or accumulate wealth, that we forget about laying up treasure in heaven! Nothing here on earth compares to eternal life with Jesus! Millions of dollars in our bank accounts will be worthless when Jesus comes. Money that could have been spent on evangelism and winning souls for the kingdom is sadly wasted! A powerful "Christian life" is busy . . . filled with the Holy Spirit guiding us, and keeping us focused on our heavenly goal! Pray for God to keep you "busy" working for Him! Text: Matt 6:21.

Matthew 6:21 NKJV - "21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

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