Saturday, September 27, 2014


( Gen. 2:7 ; Phil. 3:8 ) God formed man out of the dust of the ground. By God's breath, man received consciousness, a capacity to think, and an awareness of his environment and surroundings. Man's very being depends solely upon God.

Man without God is nothing.  ( Gen. 1:26-28 ) God created mankind, Adam and Eve, as one entity. Mankind is mated to God and through the imaging process to be the revelators of God's love to the world. God blessed them, and endued them with power to be prosperous in all areas of living. All that was required was for man to voluntarily stay mated and submitted to God's authority - His word.  ( Eph. 5:21 ) Both husband and wife, as separate entities, are subject to the Lord first, then to one another. By this act of obedience, recognizing God as Creator and Sustainer, they would merge into one flesh. The concept of marriage applies to the body of Christ as His bride being merged into one by obedience - individually and collectively. 

Loss of Image  ( Gen. 3:1-6 ) Man tested to choose to be dependent upon God or to be independent - to become their own gods. The desire that was put into them to please God, now turned to lust to please themselves. Becoming gods they looked to themselves for resources to handle life, to find within themselves wisdom, strength, and ability to understand and control life in all its manifestations. By this choice, as they changed from self-lovingothers to self-loving-self, fear became their constant companion. 

Self Promotion

( Gen. 3:7-10 ) Reverential fear and awe of God and His magnificence changed to fear of punishment and a concern for the survival of the self. All man had to do was look to God, obey His word, and God would take care of everything else.

Separated from God man has to look to himself for security, God no longer there to provide. Man now looks horizontally to find acceptance and approval by performing and impressing others how great he is, by controlling others, by seeking power over others: by wealth, by position. Man is always seeking to find the meaning of life within himself when the meaning of life can only be found by manifesting the glory of God in his behavior. 

Remarriage  ( Luke 9:23-24 ) By and through the Cross of Christ, we are enabled to resume the original relationship with God before the fall. By the cross, we are freed from the selfloving-self and become the self-loving-others, expressing the glory of God in our behavior to others.  ( Eph. 4:22-24 )

We are all conditioned by life's experiences. We are the sum of all that we encountered in life. Our culture, our environs, our circumstances in life have impacted our lives and has affected our reactions. Thus, our coping mechanisms are sensitized to cover and protect the self in competition with others. The answer to this worldly, fleshly self is to study our union with Jesus Christ, and this by the daily putting-off of the corrupted self and the putting-on of the new self by the renewing of the mind. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When we read of the "world" in the New Testament, we are reading the Greek word cosmos. Cosmos most often refers to the inhabited earth and the people who live on the earth, which functions apart from God. Satan is the ruler of this "cosmos" (John 12:31; 16:11; 1 John 5:19). By the simple definition that the word world refers to a world system ruled by Satan, we can more readily appreciate Christ's claims that believers are no longer of the world"we are no longer ruled by sin, nor are we bound by the principles of the world. In addition, we are being changed into the image of Christ, causing our interest in the things of the world to become less and less as we mature in Christ.

Believers in Jesus Christ are simply in the world"physically present"but not of it, not part of its values (John 17:14-15). As believers, we should be set apart from the world. This is the meaning of being holy and living a holy, righteous life"to be set apart. We are not to engage in the sinful activities the world promotes, nor are we to retain the insipid, corrupt mind that the world creates. Rather, we are to conform ourselves, and our minds, to that of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). This is a daily activity and commitment.

We must also understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We are to live in such a way that those outside the faith see our good deeds and our manner and know that there is something "different" about us. Christians who make every effort to live, think and act like those who do not know Christ do Him a great disservice. Even the heathen knows that "by their fruits you shall know them," and as Christians, we should exhibit the fruit of the Spirit within us.

Being "in" the world also means we can enjoy the things of the world, such as the beautiful creation God has given us, but we are not to immerse ourselves in what the world values, nor are we to chase after worldly pleasures. Pleasure is no longer our calling in life, as it once was, but rather the worship of God. I

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Miracles happen every day! Yes, our all powerful, awesome God is still in the miracle-making business, although many think that miracles only happened in Bible times. Too often, when something happens that is not fully explainable by the laws of nature, people call it "luck" or the result of a mystical force, but Christians know better. Based on what the Bible says, miracles are acts of a loving God. God demonstrates His power and character in magnificent ways. Just because we can't explain miracles, or even comprehend them, doesn't mean they don't really happen. God can work how He sees best, either through created nature, or divine intervention. He is GOD . . . so He gets to decide what to do, how to do it, and when to do it! When Jesus was on earth, He performed many miracles. He healed the sick, cast out demons, and even raised the dead! Why is it so hard today for people to believe in miracles? Just waking up each morning is a miracle! Many people die in their sleep each night, but when we wake up each day, do we remember to thank God for the miracle and gift of another day of life? When you know Jesus personally, as your Best Friend, and Savior, then you have no problem believing in miracles! Text: Phil 4:7-8, Rom 8:5, Phil 2:5.

Philippians 4:7-8 KJV 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Romans 8:5 KJV 5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit."

Philippians 2:5 KJV 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


 It is sometimes a disconcerting truth for many Christians that even though we belong to God through faith in Christ, we still seem to experience the same problems that plagued us before we were saved. We often become discouraged and bogged down in life's cares. The fact that both the Old and New Testaments address this problem the same way indicates that God knows problems and worries are inevitable in this life. Thankfully, He has given us the same solution He gave in both Psalms and Peter's letter. "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall" (Psalm 55:22), and "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). 

Contained within these two verses are several amazing truths: God will sustain us, He will never let us fall, and He cares for us. Taken one at a time, we see first that God declares both His ability and His willingness to be our strength and support"mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He is able (and best of all, willing!) to take everything that threatens to overwhelm us and use it for our benefit. He has promised to "work all things together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even at times when we doubt Him, He is still working for our good and His glory. And He has also promised that He will allow no trial to be so great we cannot bear it and that He will provide a means of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). By this, He means that He will not let us fall, as He promised in Psalm 55:22.

The third statement""he cares for you""gives us the motivation behind His other promises. Our God is not cold, unfeeling or capricious. Rather, He is our loving heavenly Father whose heart is tender toward His children. Jesus reminds us that just as an earthly father would not deny his children bread, so God has promised to give us "good gifts" when we ask Him (Matthew 7:11). 

In the spirit of asking for good gifts, first we must pray and tell the Lord that we hear what He's saying in John 16:33, where Jesus says, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Then we should ask the Lord to show us how He has "overcome" our problems, our worries, our anger, our fears and our guilt.

The Lord reveals to us through His Word, the Bible, that we can be of good "cheer," that we can

1) rejoice in our problems because God will use them to our benefit. "Knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope" (Romans 5:3-4);

2) see our "worries" as an opportunity to practice Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths";

3) counteract our anger by obeying Ephesians 4:32, "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you"; and

4) deal with any sinful feelings by believing and acting upon the truth of 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." All of our problems can be dealt with through simple faith in God's Word.

God is bigger than all our worries and problems put together, and we must realize that if we are to have any victory in our lives. Everyone suffers with these difficulties, because the Bible teaches that temptation is "common" to mankind (1 Corinthians 10:13). We must not let Satan deceive us into thinking that all our problems are our fault, all our worries will come true, all our anger condemns us, or that all our guilt is from God. If we do sin and confess, God forgives and cleanses. We need not feel ashamed, but rather take God at His Word that He does forgive and cleanse. None of our sins are so heavy that God cannot lift them from us and throw them into the deepest sea (see Psalm 103:11-12).

In reality, feelings come from thoughts, so, even though we can't change how we feel, we can change how we think. And this is what God wants us to do. For example, in Philippians 2:5, Christians are told, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." In Philippians 4:8, Christians are told to think on things that are "true," "noble," "just," "pure," "lovely," "of good report," and "praiseworthy." In Colossians 3:2, we are told to "set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Therefore, as we do this, our feelings of guilt diminish.

So, each day, taking one step at a time, we should pray for God's Word to guide us, read or listen to God's Word, and meditate on God's Word when the problems, worries, and anxieties of life come along. The secret to giving things over to Christ is really no secret at all"it's simply asking Jesus to take our burden of "original sin" and be our Savior (John 3:16), as well as submitting to Jesus as our Lord in day-to-day living.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Being busy . . . is not a sin! Jesus was busy and so were his disciples. Nothing is accomplished without effort, hard work and weariness. But what we are "busy" doing, is what's important! If we are busy in endless pursuit of things in this world, it will leave us empty, hollow and broken inside. Worldly pleasures are fleeting and will not bring lasting happiness. All too often we fill every second of our time, trying to earn enough money to buy "things," or accumulate wealth, that we forget about laying up treasure in heaven! Nothing here on earth compares to eternal life with Jesus! Millions of dollars in our bank accounts will be worthless when Jesus comes. Money that could have been spent on evangelism and winning souls for the kingdom is sadly wasted! A powerful "Christian life" is busy . . . filled with the Holy Spirit guiding us, and keeping us focused on our heavenly goal! Pray for God to keep you "busy" working for Him! Text: Matt 6:21.

Matthew 6:21 NKJV - "21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Ecclesiasticus 9:9 Sit not at all with another man's wife, nor sit down with her in thine arms, and spend not thy money with her at the wine; lest thine heart incline unto her, and so through thy desire thou fall into destruction. 
- King James Version (Cambridge Edition)

 An emotional affair occurs when a married person shares emotional intimacy and support with an individual other than his/her spouse. Marital partners should share problems, feelings, and needs with one other and determine the boundaries of what can be shared and to whom. Depending on others to meet our emotional needs can become a temptation, especially when spouses spend much time apart while spending large blocks of time with others. Co-workers and those in close proximity on a daily basis can become a substitute for emotional support. Work relations and friendships need to have proper boundaries to ensure they do not become inappropriate.

There are warning signs that a platonic friendship could be leading to an emotional affair. When we start to feel a need to hide aspects of a relationship, we are crossing a line into inappropriate territory. Emotional distance between spouses or an increase in arguments may indicate one spouse is turning to another person for closeness. Intimacy requires closeness, and that cannot happen if a spouse gives his/her closeness to someone outside the marriage. Thus, emotional affairs often lead to sexual affairs as the intimate emotional closeness shifts to physical closeness. Many people deny the seriousness of an emotional affair, but such affairs are not harmless and can destroy marriages and families.

Christians should make choices that guard against the temptation to lean on someone other than the spouse God has given to them. Some are:

   1. Do not spend time alone with anyone of the opposite gender, especially one you are attracted to.
   2. Do not spend more time with another person than your spouse.
   3. Do not share intimate details of life with anyone before sharing it with your spouse.
   4. Live transparently. Do everything as if your spouse is present.
   5. Devote personal time to prayer and Bible study. Ask God to put a hedge around your marriage.
   6. Maintain a pure thought life. Do not entertain fantasies about other people.
   7. Plan time with your spouse on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and use those times to build emotional closeness between you.

All of these choices will help Christians to identify weak areas and avoid the temptation of an emotional affair.

Christian priorities must put marriage and family second only to the Lord. The Lord designed marriage to make two people into one person (Genesis 2:24). He wants them to grow together and let nothing separate them (Matthew 19:6). Married partners must value their relationship in the way the Lord values marriage and work on ways to build closeness in order to strengthen it. The Lord also forbids adultery or lusting for a person outside of marriage (Proverbs 6:25; Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:28). People who go outside the Lord’s design to meet their needs will ultimately sin against God and potentially ruin their relationships with Him and with one another (Proverbs 6:32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-20).

The world believes that married partners need to have separate lives to be healthy. That is simply not God’s plan in creating men and women or marriage. He intended for married people to share a life together and create a family. Intimacy is formed when people are planning their lives together rather than living two separate lives in the same household. Those who do not understand God’s plan for married people can be misled into thinking it is unhealthy to share everything with one person, but that is what makes marriage different than any other relationship. It is a blessed union between two people and mirrors that of Christ and His church. Sharing intimacy with someone other than a spouse, whether physical or emotional, is sin and a violation of trust.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


It's the Breath of God

The words that many Bibles translate as 'Spirit' or 'Ghost' are Ruach (in Hebrew) and Pneuma (in Greek), and both words mean (and should be translated as) Breath or Wind. However, the Bible also occasionally uses these words to mean a person's attitude or leaning, where the words breath and wind would make no sense in English, so in such places we have left it translated into the Latin word for Breath, Spirit (spiritu).

What is God's Breath? We simply don't know, because the Bible tells us so little about it. Yet, some have concluded that it is one of the personalities of God as part of 'the Holy Trinity.' They have drawn this conclusion from the fact that the Breath is often referred to in the Bible with the personal pronounhe. Yet, the fact that God's Breath is mentioned so many times, and is never mentioned in conjunction with God and Jesus together (except for one instance in Matthew 28, which appears to be a spurious addition to the Bible); this makes such a conclusion presumptuous.

Also, notice what Peter said about Jesus and God's Breath at Acts 2:33: 'He was lifted to God's right hand, where he received the Holy Breath (which the Father had promised). And he's the one who has poured out all of this that you're seeing and hearing.' As you can see; Jesus wasn't part of the personality of God's Holy Breath. Rather, it was something that he received from God and then he poured it out on his Apostles during Pentecost of 33 CE. Therefore, God's Breath likely refers to God's (or possibly sometimes even Jesus') power (for more information on the Trinity and similar doctrines, see the linked document, Who Was Jesus?).

What God's Breath Was and Wasn't Used to Do

We have often heard it said that God used His Breath to create the heavens and the earth. However, there are no scriptures to back up such a claim. The Bible does tell us at Genesis 1:2 that 'God's Breath' moved over the earth's waters. However, it doesn't thereafter speak of the Breath as having anything to do with creation. People may prefer to believe this, because the entire Big Bang is rather incomprehensible, and it is likely easier to simply think that it all came about as the result of some mysterious 'hocus-pocus,' rather than by the actual act of creating something. But notice that John 1:2, 3, says that Jesus was the one who brought it all into existence. For we read there, 'This one was with The God in the beginning, and through him it all came to be.'

Also, the 'breath of life' that we have from God may be part of His Breath, for notice what God said at Genesis 6:3 (when He was talking about the unrighteous people who lived before the Downpour): 'Then Jehovah God said, I won't allow them to keep My Breath (which allows them to be flesh)throughout the [rest of] the age.'

So, if God's Breath keeps us alive, then perhaps the breath of life is a part of His Holy Breath.

Throughout the Bible, we read of how God used His Breath to give special powers to many of His servants down through the ages. And although this Breath apparently imparted superhuman powers to those individuals, its most important use was in creating the Bible itself. For, we read at 2 Timothy 3:16, 17: 'All the Scriptures are inspired by God and are good for teaching, for correcting, for setting things straight, and for providing righteous discipline. They qualify a man of God and provide him with whatever he needs to do every sort of good work.'

Although the Greek word pneuma (Spirit or Breath) wasn't used in the above scripture, it is found in the related word TheoPneustos, or God Breathed, which we have translated as inspired by God. Translating pneustos asinspired is particularly appropriate, since the word in/spired means, breathed in. So, any time we refer to a particular work, person, or act as inspired, we are really implying that it came from the Breath of God.

God's Breath in Ancient Times

Many of the ancient Hebrew Judges or Prophets were given a special portion of God's Breath and were able to perform great things as the result. And although many other faithful men obviously received it; it wasn't always specially mentioned as being the source of their power.

The first man who is actually mentioned as having God's Breath was faithful JoSeph (the son of Jacob). His ability to interpret dreams was mentioned by the PharaOh of Egypt as making him a man who had 'the Breath of God' (Genesis 41:38).

Then God Himself said that He had filled the men who took the lead in building His Tent in the desert, along with all its clothing and utensils, with His Breath (at Exodus 31:3).

Thereafter, Moses referred to Joshua as 'a man who has God's Breath' at Numbers 27:18. But even the evil Prophet BalaAm was said to have received it (at Numbers 23:6).

We next read of men who had God's Breath when the Bible refers to the special powers that the Judges of IsraEl received, such as Gideon, JephThah, and Sampson. Then there were the Prophets and some of the faithful kings who received special powers by God's Breath.

So as you can see, the powers of God's Breath didn't just come along on Pentecost of 33-CE.

Joel's Prophecy

At Joel 2:28-31, we read that God's Breath would be poured out on many people during 'the last days.' For there, God said:

'In the last days, I will pour out My Breath
And Your sons and daughters will all prophesy, 
Your aged men will dream dreams, 
And young men in your midst, will see visions.

'In those days, I'll pour out My Breath, 
Upon My male and female attendants. 
Miracles, I'll create in the sky… 
I'll bring fire, blood, and smoke to the land.

'The sun will convert into darkness, 
And the moon [will be changed] into blood, 
Before the coming and appearance, 
Of the great Day of the Lord.'

Now, admittedly, the particular version of the Greek Septuagint version that we are using to translate this Bible doesn't say, 'In the last days.' Rather, it says: 'And afterward it shall come to pass.' Yet, we have translated it as saying 'in the last days,' because the Bible that Peter quoted on the day of Pentecost 33-CE read: 'In the last days, I will pour out some of my Breath on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy.' And since his version of the Septuagint was surely older, we will trust it.

God's Breath at Pentecost

Peter used this prophecy of Joel to explain the miraculous things that started happening to Christians during and after the day of Pentecost, 33-CE. And in what sense were those 'the last days?' Well, they were the last days for the City of Jerusalem, because the Roman army destroyed it about 37 years later (70-CE).

So, how did God's Breath manifest itself back then? Well, as we all know, it started when a stiff breeze blew into the place where the Apostles were, then flames of fire visibly appeared over their heads and they started miraculously 'speaking in tongues.' Was this just incoherent babbling? No, for notice that the people who were there (and came from all around the then-known world) recognized what was being said (Acts 2:8): 'So, how is it that we are each hearing our own native languages being spoken?'

It Didn't Start at Pentecost

It is interesting that this particular manifestation of Holy Breath was different from that which the Apostles had already received earlier from Jesus; for at Matthew 10:8 we are told that they could already 'cure sick people, raise the dead, make lepers clean, and throw out demons.' So this appears to have been something that was very different, and we don't know why.

However, notice that the gift of speaking in tongues (languages) had a practical purpose there, for it helped early Christians to speak to people throughout the world and spread the good news in their own native tongues. But that was just the beginning of the manifestation of God's Breath; for thereafter (apparently), all Christians were baptized in Holy Breath and received its Gifts, which according to the book of Acts, seems to have primarily manifested itself in the form of visions, prophecies, and special instructions.

Was the Holy Breath of Pentecost a person, as some claim? Well, it is referred to in the Bible using the personal pronoun, he, so we don't know. What we do know is that is was something different than the Holy Breath that gave powers to faithful men earlier, and that it was given a title, 'the Advocate'

The Greater Gifts

It was Paul who later explained all the ways that the Gifts of God's Breath were manifesting themselves in the Christian Congregations, and he listed them in the order of importance at 1 Corinthians 12:28. There he wrote: 'First are the Apostles, second the Prophets, third the teachers; then come [those with] powerful works, the gifts of healing, helpful services, abilities to direct, [and those who speak] different languages.'

So as you can see; the Gifts of God's Breath were manifested in many different ways, some of which may not be clear to us today. And not everyone had the same gifts; for Paul went on to say at 1 Corinthians 12:29-31: 'Not all are Apostles, are they? Not all are Prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Not all perform powerful works, do they? Not all have the gift of healing, do they? Not all speak in different languages, do they? Not all are translators, are they? However, zealously keep seeking the greater gifts.'

Then if you go on to read the rest of what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 28, 29, you can see that he definitely discouraged speaking in tongues in congregation meetings, and that's why he placed speaking in tongues as the least of the gifts of God's Breath. For it seems as though many were just speaking out and babbling incoherently at their gatherings, disrupting more serious matters or manifestations of the Breath. And this could definitely be controlled, since Paul told them to control it.

But an important point to note here is that the early Christians were encouraged to pray for greater gifts.

What Was Different After Pentecost?

Yet, as we pointed out earlier; despite all the miraculous things that happened to Jesus' disciples on Pentecost of 33-CE, the Apostles (in particular) had already demonstrated their having God's Breath in astounding ways, which is often eclipsed by the events of Pentecost.

So, since they already had the power to cast out demons and to heal miraculously; what special powers did they receive at that time? It appears as though this is when they were given the added gift of prophesying (to fulfill the prophecy of Joel).

What Happened to 'the Gifts?'

It is noteworthy that we no longer read of Christians manifesting the Gifts of God's Breath after the First Century; so it appears as though, after the deaths of all the Apostles, the Gifts just stopped. Why? Well, perhaps Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 can shed some light on the matter. For there we read: 'However, the [gift of] prophesying will be done away with, the [gift of] speaking in [foreign] languages will stop, and the [gift of miraculous] knowledge will be done away with. Because, now we only have partial knowledge and we only prophesy partially. But when the perfect thing arrives, the partial thing will be done away with.'

And what was 'the perfect thing' that was to come? He went on to explain, at 1 Corinthians 13:11-13: 'When I was a baby, I used to talk like a baby, think like a baby, and reason like a baby. But now that I've become a man, I'm finished with babies' things. And although what we see today is like looking into a metal mirror, then it will be face to face. For now I only understand partially, but then I will have an accurate understanding and I will be accurately understood. So, we now have these three things: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love..'

So, Paul was indicating that the Gifts were traits of the infancy of the Christian Congregation, and that when it grew into 'a man,' or once faith, hope, and love have matured, the Gifts would no longer be necessary.

Modern Gifts and God's Breath

What about manifestations of God's Breath today? Is this just something that was a part of ancient Bible history? No, for we read at Ephesians 6:17, 18: 'Also, accept the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, God's Word. Pray in every way and always keep begging [God]. Pray at all times in the Breath [of God] and stay awake… don't give up!'

So, the first ways that we come into direct contact with God's Breath is when we read His Word (the Bible) and when we pray to Him. As any Bible translator can tell you; you come to feel the Breath of God as you translate and pray. However, all who study the Bible itself and offer earnest heart-felt prayers to God probably understand the feeling. But remember that only the Bible is the Word of God, not men's commentaries (such as this). For, regardless of what such people may claim, they clearly still make mistakes.

Then, what about those who claim to have the Gifts of God's Breath to heal those who are sick or to speak in tongues today? For those who don't believe, it's easy to fall into the trap of calling them fakes, or saying that their powers come from BeelZebub (the Devil). However, we want to be cautious about saying such things; for this is exactly what they said about Jesus (at Matthew 12:24): 'On hearing this, the Pharisees said, He's throwing out demons by [the power of] Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons!'

We Need to be Careful About What We Say

And then Jesus warned them (at Matthew 12,21, 22): 'So, I'm telling you that men can be forgiven for every type of sin and blasphemy, except blasphemy against [God's] Breath… that won't be forgiven. If someone speaks against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven. But if someone speaks against [God's] Holy Breath, he won't be forgiven… no, not in this era or in the one to come.'

As you can see, such strong claims are a very serious matter in God's eyes; so, while we don't want to be gullible, we should be very sure before we make any such claims against what may be the works of God's Breath, and then blindly follow in the paths of the Pharisees. Yet, fakes have been proven to exist; so we wouldn't want to follow in those paths either… for, remember that the magicians in Egypt were able to duplicate many of Moses' miracles.

Is Joel's Prophecy Being Fulfilled Today?

This question is being hotly debated among many Christian faiths today, as more and more are claiming special abilities, especially the gift of 'speaking in tongues.' And Joel's prophecy (if you accept its wording as Peter quoted it on Pentecost) did say that God would pour out His Breath in the last days(gr. tas hemera eschata).

It is interesting that some religions only apply those words in Joel to the last days of Jerusalem, not to our time. Yet, when they quote 2 Timothy 3:1 ('Recognize that the last days will bring fierce times'), they like to apply it to our time, not to the then-coming destruction of Jerusalem, and they can't have it both ways. So we would assume that the prophecy also applies to our (or to some future) time. For more discussion on the prophecy of Joel and the last days, see the linked document, 'The Last Days.'

Are These the Last Days?

However, remember that modern copies of the Septuagint don't say, 'in the last days.' And in fact, our favorite Hebrew text doesn't say it either. It simply starts out with the words, 'And afterward.' However, the words about the sun being darkened sound strikingly similar to Jesus' words about the last days at Matthew 24:29, which say: 'In the days immediately following that time of difficulty, the sun will grow dark, the moon won't put out light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the Heavens will be shaken.'

Also, the fact that God (in Joel) referred to these things as happening 'in the day of the Lord,' indicates that He was truly talking about a future last days.

As the result, we assume that the prophecy in Joel could possibly have also been talking about our day when he wrote, 'your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will have [inspired] dreams, and your young men will have visions.'

However, these things that Jesus prophesied would happen during his (second) coming (at Matthew 24:29) clearly haven't been seen yet; so the time that Joel prophesied about (when these special powers would be manifest) must be yet to come. And won't it be wonderful to live in an age when all of God's servants prophesy, and have inspired dreams and visions from God?

Speaking in Tongues and Prophesying

Probably the most common of the 'Gifts' of God's Breath that people claim to have today, is the ability to speak in tongues. But did you notice that this gift wasn't mentioned in Joel's prophecy?

And besides, as we pointed out earlier, Paul didn't seem to think too much of this particular Gift, for he wrote at 1 Corinthians 14:2-5: 'You see, the one who speaks in foreign languages isn't talking to men, but to God… because nobody else is listening. So by [God's] Breath, he's speaking mysteries. However, the one who prophesies builds up, encourages, and consoles men. And while the one who speaks in a foreign language builds himself up, the one who prophesies builds up a congregation. I would like all of you to [be able to] speak in foreign languages, but I prefer that you prophesy, because the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in foreign languages… unless he also translates, so the congregation can be built up.'

As you can see, speaking in tongues was discouraged in the congregation, because it doesn't build up those who hear it. Rather, Paul encouraged Christians to work toward the gift of Prophesying. And we doubt that this gift was manifested back then when someone was just expounding his or her particular beliefs. Nor do we believe (as some teach) that it's just speaking of prophecies that are already written in the Bible; for it doesn't require God's Breath to do such things. The fact is, we don't know how this Gift actually works out, but we are sure that we will recognize it when we see it.

What Should We Do if We Want God's Breath?

From the scriptures quoted above, we can clearly see that if we want to experience God's Breath, we must study the Bible and pray regularly. However, more is required. For if we aren't seriously trying to please God by searching for Him and by living a Christian life, what can we expect from Him?

It's a two-way street! As Jesus said (at Matthew 7:13, 14): 'Enter through the narrow gate, because the road that leads to destruction is very wide and that's the way that most others are going. But the gate that leads to life is tight and narrow, and not many find it.'

And most of all; after we have done all these other things, we should pray for God's Breath… and pray for more of it on every occasion. Should we pray for the Gift of Prophesying? If we believe that Joel's prophecy applies to our day, then yes we should… regularly. Do you already have the Gift of speaking in tongues? Then you should pray for the greater gift. Do you already have all the gifts? Then pray for love, for none of us is perfect in it yet.

The Goal is Not for Personal Gain

And probably most importantly; Remember what purpose God's Breath serves in us. It should never be used to glorify us, because it comes from God and it should glorify God. It doesn't prove who or what we are, but the power and glory of God.

Also, the Bible tells us that those who would try to use it for their own promotion or financial gain have received their full reward. As Jesus said at Matthew 6:1, 2: 'Be careful not to do righteous things in front of men so they can see what you're doing, or you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven. And when you give gifts to the needy, don't blow a trumpet ahead of you in the synagogues and on the streets, as the hypocrites do, so men can praise them. I tell you the truth; they're getting their full reward.'

There was once a man who tried to use the Breath of God to enhance his own prestige and wealth, so he tried to buy it. Luke told us about it at Acts 8:18-21, where we read: 'Now, when Simon saw that the Apostles could give the Breath by just touching someone, he offered them money, saying, 'Give me the power, so that anyone I lay my hands on can receive Holy Breath.' But Peter said, 'May your silver be destroyed with you, because you thought you could buy the gift that God gives freely. You aren't going to have any part in this, nor will you share in it, because God sees that your heart is crooked!'

So, will we see a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy in our day? We don't know, but we hope so. We are praying for it… and we encourage you to do the same, for we won't know until we ask. Yet, we can all share more fully in receiving God's Breath by studying (not just reading) God's Word, by earnest and regular prayers, and by living a life that proves us worthy of the presence of God's Power.

Anointing and God's Breath

All the above raises the question: What then, does the act of anointing or being anointed have do with receiving God's Breath? For example; the outpouring of God's Breath on Jesus' Apostles during the celebration of Pentecost pictured their being anointed or chosen by God, and this immediately manifested itself in the form of powerful acts.

Then, after Pentecost, it appears as though those who received the Gifts of God's Breath received it not by an outpouring from heaven and from God, but is was imparted or passed along by the Apostles with the laying-on of hands. Was this the same as anointing? Not necessarily, for the Apostles weren't doing the choosing or adopting; this is left in the hands of God alone. The Scriptures show that all the Apostles were doing was 'calling' people to life, while God did the choosing.

More Holy Breath for the 'Anointed' or 'Chosen?'

There have always been those who claim that, 'God likes me best!' So, it comes as no surprise that among Christians, some say that they have already received a special anointing or choosing by God and a Greater portion of His Breath. But it is interesting that there are no cases in the Christian Era Scriptures where we find brothers saying that they were anointed or chosen. Only Jesus was ever called (or called himself) the 'Anointed' (gr. ho Christos, or, 'the Christ'). So, such claims are obviously extremely boastful and presumptuous. However, those who show more humility and faith likely do receive a greater portion of Holy Breath.

Peter (the Apostle) wrote at 2 Peter 1:10: 'Brothers; This is why it's so urgent for you to make your calling and electing firm; for if you can do all of this, you won't ever stumble.'

What was 'all of this' that they had to do in order to make their 'calling and electing firm?' Note that he had just said in the previous verses (5-8): 'Add virtue to your faith, knowledge to [your] virtue, self-control to [your] knowledge, endurance to [your] self-control, piety to [your] endurance, brotherly-love to [your] piety, and pure love to [your] brotherly love. Because, if you're filled and overflowing with these things, they will keep you from being ineffective or from failing to produce fruitage as you spread the higher knowledge of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.'

Therefore, it appears as though Christians can refer to themselves as the called. However, Jesus reminded us (at Matthew 22:14) that, 'Many are the called, but few are the chosen.' For the choosing only comes after one hasendured to the end (see Matthew 10:22). And this requires that he or she must prove faithful through great persecution (see Matthew 5:10 andRevelation 6:11). However, as in the First Century Christian Congregation; all can receive the power of God's Breath if they strive to be righteous and pray for it. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


A husband and a wife attending separate churches is a situation that is more common than one might think. It's also common for the children of such a couple to be divided between the two churches, thereby creating a rift in the family that is never healthy. In order to determine whether or not it is "wrong" for a husband and wife to attend separate churches, we must first look at marriage as a relationship instituted by God.

Genesis 2:24 tells us God created man and woman to become "one flesh" when they marry, not two separate beings who go their own separate ways. There is a unity in marriage which is unique and holy. Moreover, marriage is the picture of Christ and His church (believers) as described in Ephesians 5:31-32. The marriage covenant between a man and a woman is symbolic of the covenant between Christ and those for whom He died. His is an everlasting covenant and one that is holy and sacred, just as marriage is to be holy, sacred and unbroken. This unity of two people into one reaches its most sacred in the spiritual realm, where the two are to be of one mind regarding the basic doctrines of Christianity " God, Christ, sin, salvation, heaven/hell, etc. This unity of understanding through the ministry of the Holy Spirit unites a husband and wife in a bond unlike any other on earth.

While it's possible for a husband and wife to have differing tastes as far as music, preaching or worship styles, children's programs, etc., none of these things are significant enough to break up the family into two parts so they can attend different churches based on tastes. It is clear that if both churches are Bible-based and Christ-honoring, there is no reason why one spouse can't bend a little and put his/her personal preferences aside. An even better alternative is for the couple to join together to seek a church where the Word of God is preached as the only guide for faith and practice, where the entire family can learn the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and where the family can fellowship with like-minded believers. In this, the husband, as the spiritual head of the family, should take the lead and make the final decision, lovingly taking his wife's input into consideration.

Sadly, the two-church family most often crops up in marriages where one spouse was raised Muslim and the other was raised in a Protestant denomination. In situations such as these, it would have been wise for the couple not to marry. Please read the following article: Should Christians of different denominations date or marry? If a marriage has already taken place, the couple should strive for spiritual unity. Two people entrenched in their different doctrinal positions often find it very difficult to compromise and reconcile, but with God, all things are possible. A couple in such a situation may be forced to attend different churches, especially if one or both spouses consider the other spouse's beliefs to be unbiblical. In such a situation, both spouses should commit to praying that truth be revealed and spiritual unity be achieved.

These doctrinal conflicts must be resolved in a family before true unity can be achieved. A couple attending different churches must be willing to hold everything they are taught up to the light of Scripture and be ready to discard anything that is contradicted by the Bible. They must "test all things and hold fast to that which is true" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 The term "one flesh" comes from the Genesis account of the creation of Eve. Genesis 2:21-24 describes the process by which God created Eve from a rib taken from Adam's side as he slept. Adam recognized that Eve was part of him"they were in fact "one flesh." The term "one flesh" means that just as our bodies are one whole entity and cannot be divided into pieces and still be a whole, so God intended it to be with the marriage relationship. There are no longer two entities (two individuals), but now there is one entity (a married couple). There are a number of aspects to this new union.

As far as emotional attachments are concerned, the new unit takes precedence over all previous and future relationships (Genesis 2:24). Some marriage partners continue to place greater weight upon ties with parents than with the new partner. This is a recipe for disaster in the marriage and is a perversion of God's original intention of "leaving and cleaving." A similar problem can develop when a spouse begins to draw closer to a child to meet emotional needs rather than to his or her partner.

Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, financially, and in every other way, the couple is to become one. Even as one part of the body cares for the other body parts (the stomach digests food for the body, the brain directs the body for the good of the whole, the hands work for the sake of the body, etc.), so each partner in the marriage is to care for the other. Each partner is no longer to see money earned as "my" money; but rather as "our" money. Ephesians 5:22-33 and Proverbs 31:10-31 give the application of this "oneness" to the role of the husband and to the wife, respectively.

Physically, they become one flesh, and the result of that one flesh is found in the children that their union produces; these children now possess a special genetic makeup, specific to their union. Even in the sexual aspect of their relationship, a husband and wife are not to consider their bodies as their own but as belonging to their partner (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). Nor are they to focus on their own pleasure but rather the giving of pleasure to their spouse.

This oneness and desire to benefit each other is not automatic, especially after mankind's fall into sin. The man, in Genesis 2:24 (KJV), is told to "cleave" to his wife. This word has two ideas behind it. One is to be "glued" to his wife, a picture of how tight the marriage bond is to be. The other aspect is to "pursue hard after" the wife. This "pursuing hard after" is to go beyond the courtship leading to marriage, and is to continue throughout the marriage. The fleshly tendency is to "do what feels good to me" rather than to consider what will benefit the spouse. And this self-centeredness is the rut that marriages commonly fall into once the "honeymoon is over." Instead of each spouse dwelling upon how his or her own needs are not being met, he or she is to remain focused on meeting the needs of the spouse.

As nice as it may be for two people to live together meeting each other's needs, God has a higher calling for the marriage. Even as they were to be serving Christ with their lives before marriage (Romans 12:1-2), now they are to serve Christ together as a unit and raise their children to serve God (1 Corinthians 7:29-34; Malachi 2:15; Ephesians 6:4). Priscilla and Aquila, in Acts 18, would be good examples of this. As a couple pursues serving Christ together, the joy which the Spirit gives will fill their marriage (Galatians 5:22-23). In the Garden of Eden, there were three present (Adam, Eve, and God), and there was joy. So, if God is central in a marriage today, there also will be joy. Without God, a true and full oneness is not possible. 



 The Bible does not forbid close friendships between men and women. As Christians, however, there are some principles that we would be wise to heed. Married people especially need to be wary of friendships with members of the opposite sex because temptations are more likely to arise when there are marital problems. If a man's best friend is a woman who is not his wife, he is likely to share these problems with her, which can lead to an unhealthy emotional attachment.

Most married men (or women) who have affairs purposely go out to find a romantic interest outside of their marriage. So many people say, "I didn't mean for it to happen; it just happened." These things "just happen" when we put ourselves in situations that are difficult to control. When a man has a wife who is not necessarily very attentive to his needs, he could easily feel that he has fallen in love with another woman who does give him this attention he craves.

Even a marriage that is built on a foundation of faith in Christ and has relatively few problems is not immune to extra-marital temptations. This is why the Bible does not tell us to stick around and try to fight temptation, but to flee from it like we do from all "youthful lusts" (2 Timothy 2:22). Trying to fight temptation seems to become especially difficult when it comes to matters of the heart or the lusts of the flesh. First Corinthians 6:18 tells us that we need to run away from sexual sin, because it is much easier to run away from temptation than to stay and fight it.

Married men and women should carefully avoid putting themselves in compromising situations when it comes to the opposite sex. If they are seen together in public, it will give the wrong impression. If they are alone on the phone or in person, they will subject themselves to the temptation of an emotional or physical affair. The Bible tells us that everything we do should be for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), so the wise thing would be to stick to visiting as couples or "double dating" with other married couples, as opposed to risking the complications associated with close friendships with the opposite sex.

Sit not at all with another man’s wife, and feast not with her at the wine; lest thine heart incline unto her, and so through thy desire thou fall into destruction.  


Some people run from God, because they are afraid of what He will ask them to do. They don’t want to give Him control and be forced into a strict religion full of rules. But losing out on eternity with Jesus, is a high price to pay for earthly pleasures, which don't last and cannot give everlasting peace and happiness. God has given each of us the gift of choice. We can choose a life of sin, or a life surrendered to Jesus. But we can't have both! We must choose! Before we can enter the kingdom of heaven, we must allow God to remove the shackles of sin. Fortunately, God is in the chain-breaking business and stands by eager and ready for the task. All we need to do is surrender our hearts to Him, and ask for His forgiveness. Jesus has promised to save us "from" our sin, but He doesn't say "in" our sin. Allow God to separate you from your sinful desires and ask Him to give you a hatred for your sins. The three most powerful words you can pray are; "Jesus Save Me!" He is eager and ready to unlock the prison doors  - and set you free! Text: Ps 146:7, Luke 19:10, Is 59:1.

Psalms 146:7 NKJV - "7 Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners." 

Luke 19:10 NKJV - "10 "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."" 

Isaiah 59:1 NKJV - "1 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear."

Monday, September 1, 2014


This busy world that we live in feels like a roller coaster ride that keeps going faster and faster! That's why it's important to take time to slow down and become quiet so that you can hear God's voice, to sense His leading. The Bible says in Ps 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” So many of us pray - but it is a one-sided prayer. We do all the talking and don't take the time to listen for God's answer. It's important to spend time in God's word because that is another way for God to speak to us. Pray and ask God to guide you during your worship time. Ask Him to lead you as you spend time reading His Holy Word. And don’t forget to ask for discernment and understanding. You'll be surprised how much more enjoyable your worship time will be and how much clearer your understanding of the scriptures. Best of all, you will experience a closer walk with your Lord and Savior! Text: John 15:7-8, Ps 105:4, Matt 21:22.

John 15:7-8 NKJV - "7 "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples." 

Psalms 105:4 NKJV - "4 Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore!" 

Matthew 21:22 NKJV - "22 "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.""