Thursday, February 27, 2014


Our desire is that you will fine material that will enrich your relationship with Christ and heighten your desire to feed daily upon His word.

This site is not intended as a substitute for a local church body of believers as we do believe that every one should have a Church home with a true and dedicated pastor that preaches the full word in the light of the end time message. Yet we also realise that for some believers and for various reasons this may not be currently possible and therefore we would like to extend a caring and helping hand in any way that we can to encourage you to keep pressing the battle for the truth that God has revealed to us in this end time through the ministry of the seventh angel. 

The revelation of Jesus Christ in this hour is by far the greatest event that has happened in these last days, yet it came so humbly that so very few are truly aware of what God has done and is doing in our generation, it is worthy of our fullest attention and dedication.

Please visit back soon, and may the light of the words of life shine deeply into your heart is my prayer.

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