Monday, November 25, 2013


We must refuse lies and fill our mind with absolute truth – God’s Word.  As we digest it, as we take it into our lives and saturate our thoughts with it, we will be able to discern between truth and lies.  Life changing power is found in the Word of God!
We often allow negative thoughts to create a rut in our minds, giving them access to our lives.  By filling our mind with scripture, we fill in those old ruts with peace and create new “ruts” that soon become right thought patterns.  We are then thinking God’s thoughts, and when we begin to think God’s thoughts, our thoughts will become true.  One of the fiercest parts of my battle with depression is in my thought life.  Yes, Satan is a liar!  He wants to control my mind through lies because when I believe truth, the Holy Spirit takes over.  When I feed my thought life a steady diet of truth, I am inviting the Holy Spirit to work!  When I believe a lie, Satan steps in! He sticks his hairy toe (I have never seen it, but I just know it is ugly and hairy) in the walls of my mind, hurling his destruction into every step I take.  Friend, the enemy will lie to you about the way you look, your relationships, your worth and identity, your fears and dreams and your God.  Do not surrender one inch of your thought life to him. Choose truth instead and stand firm!

“The mind is a garden that could be cultivated to produce the harvest that we desire.

The mind is a workshop where the important decisions of life and eternity are made.

The mind is an armory where we forge the weapons for our victory or our destruction.

The mind is a battlefield where all the decisive battles of life are won or lost.

As you go through each day, identify and record any negative thoughts.  Read each thought aloud.  Determine why it is negative.  Apply a promise from scripture to each thought and pray, asking God to retrain your mind.

                       MAY CHIUTA BLESS YOU.

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