Saturday, November 30, 2013


I want to share with you 5 things you MUST know:

1. If you deny your husband sex, you are missing out on what God has in store for YOU sexually.

I could start  rambling endlessly about all that yourhusband is missing because of your sexual denial, but I want to first focus on you.

Here's the deal -- the Cliff's Notes version you might say -- sexual pleasure is God's idea for both a wife and a husband.  Orgasm, passion, foreplay, being turned-on, soul bonding -- all that physical, emotional and spiritual stuff -- those elements are all part of God's plan for sex.

And nowhere in His Word does He say he did all that just for husbands.  Nope.  His Word is clear that sex is a gift to both a husband and a wife. God wants you both to experience all the benefits of sexual connection.

Orgasm feels good, and as I have often said, there is no other purpose of the clitoris except sexual pleasure in a woman.

Consistent and nurtured sexual intimacy endears you to one another, making it easier to extend each other grace. It has so much potential to be a place of tenderness, passion, fun and even stress relief!

I wish I would have known all of this in my first marriage.

2. If you deny your husband sex, you are breaking God's heart.

Okay, I get that you and your husband have issues.  At least I'm guessing that's the reason behind all the non-existent sex.

Or possibly you are the one with big issues that you have been unwilling to address.  Those could be physical issues with hormones, depression or poor health.   They could be emotional issues, such as past betrayals, sadnesses, family of origin struggles, or sexual abuse from which you haven't sought healing.

Or maybe they are mis-information issues.  You were always told sex was "dirty" or "obligation" or "wrong."

Whatever the issues, whether they are within your marriage or within your own journey, if they are negatively impacting your sexual desire for your husband, stop pretending like they will resolve themselves.

Do something.

Pray and read God's Word about marriage and sex. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband. Go to counseling. Read a Christian marriage book.

Stop staying stuck in stagnant status quo.

Hey, I know that marriage is complex, and in some marriages, the struggles are deeply shattering.  I also know, though, that as long as you are married, you are in a place where God implores you to do what you can to nurture the relationship.

3. If you deny your husband sex, you are handing Satan the keys to your marriage.

Oh it sounds so harsh to say it this way, but it tragically is true.  Satan is hell bent on destroying marriages because marriage is a covenant relationship God created.

And division is Satan's go-to tactic. (Divide husbands and wives. Divide families. Divide communities. Divide friends. You get the point.)

That being the case, why on earth would you give Satan any more opportunity to sabotage your marriage than he is already taking all on his own?

When you regularly deny sex to your husband -- or when you half-heartedly go through the motions sexually -- you are opening your marriage up to unfathomable attack.

You are making it easier for your husband to fall into temptation and sin with pornography and adultery.  You are watering the breeding ground of resentment and bitterness.

In no way am I removing a husband's accountability to obey God, remain faithful to his marriage vows and steer clear of sexual temptation.

I'm just saying that if a man is starving, he will be drawn to any food within his reach, even if it is food that is dreadfully bad for him.

You give your marriage a much better fighting chance if you stop leaving so many doors open to Satan.  Having and enjoying sex with your husband helps keep the doors from flying wide open.

4. If you deny your husband sex, you are setting a crappy example for your kids.

If you have kids, they are looking at you and your husband and constantly picking up insights about marriage.

This isn't about giving your kids the impression that marriage is always perfect, because let's face it, it's not. But I can only imagine that your heart's cry is to give them the truth, and the truth is that marriage is a sacred union that is worth tending to.

"But my kids don't even know what goes on with us sexually," you may say.

Sure, your kids are not privy to the details of your sexual intimacy, but I will bet my last dollar that they sense whether mom and dad genuinely care about each other.

They pay close attention to how you interact and how you show respect and affection.  They getthings that we don't think they get.

If you intend on training children up in the way they shall go, then don't forget to live and breath what God says about marriage and sex.

5. If you deny your husband sex, you are hurting the man you love.

I don't know your back story, but unless you are in an arranged marriage, the man who is your husband is someone you loved enough to actually marry.   Yes, this is the guy who you entrusted with your heart and life.

When you deny sex to him, suggesting with your actions or words that he is an insensitive animal because he wants to make love to his wife, you are hurting him.

Why would you want to hurt the person you love?

If you are denying your husband sex, my heart goes out to you and him.  Your actions are robbing you both of something profound.

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